[Openstack-operators] [openstack-operators] Onboarding Legacy Apps into OpenStack

Adam Young ayoung at redhat.com
Mon Jun 22 18:36:59 UTC 2015

On 06/15/2015 07:46 PM, Barrett, Carol L wrote:
> Operators – The Enterprise Work Group (formerly known as Win The 
> Enterprise) has a team working on a Proof Of Concept for using 
> Metadata to describe requirements for legacy apps and workloads to be 
> on boarded onto an OpenStack Cloud.
> We have 2 use cases that we are planning to implement: Encrypted 
> Storage and Workload Isolation.
> You can find these use cases here:
> I am asking for your help:
>  1. We’re looking for an Operator who has a real world example of
>     either of these use cases and can share information about config
>     and overall requirements. We want to make sure our PoC is realistic.
>  2. We need more use cases to run through our PoC. Do you have Legacy
>     App or Workload that you can work with us to write up a use case
>     around?
> If you’re game for either of these please let me know.
> Thanks
> Carol Barrett
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I'm not an operator, but I play one on TV.  My examples are not real 
world except as a developer using OpenStack.

I want to be able to launch a VM and have it automatically register with 
an Identity management service.  To do this, I need to generate a one 
time password that gets passed to both the IdM and to the VM, and 
User-Data  seems to be the only tool.  However, I would ideally have 
something that perform this workflow, regardless of how the user kicked 
off the task, and that would not require the user to modify the 
user-data when launching the VM;  it would be a property of the project 

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