[Openstack-operators] [Horizon] Improving the Horizon Overview Pages

Liz Blanchard lsurette at redhat.com
Thu Mar 6 15:27:08 UTC 2014

On Jan 30, 2014, at 3:05 AM, Jesse Pretorius <jesse.pretorius at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 30 January 2014 03:29, Liz Blanchard <lsurette at redhat.com> wrote:
> 1) Is there anything missing that a user looking at Horizon would want to see at a high level?
> 2) Is there anything here that doesn’t belong?
> 3) Is there a different way you would want to see the data here represented?
> [1] http://ask-openstackux.rhcloud.com/question/59/improvements-to-horizon-overview/
> [2] http://ask-openstackux.rhcloud.com/question/132/improvements-to-horizon-admin-overview/
>  Hi Liz - it's been really great to see the UX team get involved in changing the UX for Horizon end-users! In my view the conceptual changes, while still in flux in most cases, are fantastic improvements and we're really looking forward to seeing them make it into the code-base.

Thanks very much for your thoughts on these designs. I apologize for the delay in my response, but I wanted to let you know that I’m currently making updates to my designs based on your feedback and thoughts from others. I will update the Ask page in the next few weeks hopefully and send you a message incase you have some time for another quick review.

> My thoughts:
> As an operator (admin):
>  - It's important for me to understand the status of a few things on the overview page: service, capacity and performance.
>  -- Service: A simple summary indicator for each high level service (RPC, Database, Compute, Network, etc) based on the details from the System Info panel. The indicator can be something simple like a coloured circle, using red/orange/green.

I will update the design for this.

>  -- Capacity: I really like the graph charts. Of importance for capacity are current usage, committed resources (ie a summary of the quotas assigned to users) and available resources (ie a summary of the actual resources available). My thinking is that each of these could be plotted on the same graph for each information item. Most of the quota items would be of interest as graphs.

Great feedback, perhaps I can work more quota items into this view.

>  -- Performance: At this stage I'm not sure that we have this kind of data available in the stack, from Ceilometer for instance. But at some stage it'd be great to see some sort of performance stats for the infrastructure.

Yes, we are definitely targeting Ceilometer to gather this data.

>  - I'd ideally like to see any recent actions done that resulted in errors, which project they were for and who did them. The blueprint is here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/instance-actions-dashboard

Thanks for sending this along, I will add a design to my proposal that targets this feature. I also noticed that Julie just took this on as the owner, so we can work with you to be sure the design is covering what you had in mind.

> As an end-user:
>  - Seeing the capacity as you've already described is good.


>  - If there's a way to display basic performance stats for the instances from Ceilometer (if it has such data), that would be amazing.

Yes, that is definitely the goal! Are there specific metrics that you’d want to be sure we include that we might not be showing here yet?

>  - I'd ideally like to see the most recent actions done for each project and who did them. The blueprint is here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/instance-actions-dashboard

As mentioned above, I will be doing a design to support this and will keep you in the loop.

Thanks again for taking the time to review these and give your feedback!


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