[Openstack-operators] OpenStack Operators Gathering on March 3rd in San Jose
Sean Roberts
seanrob at yahoo-inc.com
Tue Feb 25 01:52:59 UTC 2014
I have not been able to find a room for monday for the triple-O team. Maybe there could be some facilities sharing?
Sean Roberts
Infrastructure Strategy, Yahoo
seanrob at yahoo-inc.com
(925) 980-4729
On Saturday, February 22, 2014 8:19 PM, Clint Byrum <clint at fewbar.com> wrote:
Tim, were you aware this will be going on at the exact same time as the
TripleO summit, which is happening just down the road in Sunnyvale the
same week?
I would like to see some mixing of these two groups. Perhaps we could have
some operators come over to the TripleO summit one day, or the other way
around, as I think feedback from the operators on what we have working
now and what we're proposing going forward would be extremely helpful.
Excerpts from Tim Bell's message of 2014-02-21 09:37:22 -0800:
> We are organising an OpenStack operators mini-summit in the Bay Area on Monday March 3rd in order to gather input for key needs from an OpenStack operator for development effort in the Juno release.
> There are a limited number of places available so early registration is recommended. A further session will be arranged around the Atlanta summit.
> The details are at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/openstack-march-2014-operators-gathering-tickets-10318369521
> Note: There will be no 'presentations' on what OpenStack is, or how people are using it in their companies, outside of free-ranging discussion on these requirements. This is not an "operations best
> practice" discussion - the aim is purely on getting feedback on what is/isn't working and what needs to change.
> For further background, a few questions & answers...
> What is an Operators' mini-Summit?
> This is an attempt to bring together OpenStack operators of various
> sizes and use cases and gather targeted feedback for the Technical
> committee, PTL's and dev teams. The goals of the meeting are to
> prioritize issues/requests from the representative group of
> operators, attempt to produce a blueprint or two from the top of that
> list and introduce it all back into the development cycle for Juno.
> How was this event organized?
> The event was born out of discussion on the operators mailing list and has been
> organized over the last couple of months by the user committee, Tom Fifield
> (user community manager at the Foundation) and several volunteers from the OpenStack operator
> community . It's the first time we've done something like this, and is as much an experiment on the
> best way to build this process as it is an event
> for the gathering of feedback itself.
> How many people are you expecting to attend?
> We have capacity for 75 attendees, and we are limiting attendees to those operating OpenStack clouds
> (not building products for or around OpenStack). The event wil be hosted at eBay headquarters.
> Since it is the first one, the organizing group deliberately wanted to keep things
> on the smaller side to make sure we enable productive discussions. We really want the gathering of feedback
> to be useful and actionable. Hopefully we can create a repeatable mechanism that gives more
> and more operators useful ways to influence OpenStack design and prioritization as it evolves.
> When will the next Operator's mini-Summit take place, and will it allow for more attendees?
> The next gathering is planned to take place during the OpenStack Summit in May 2014. The exact
> details and dates will be discussed during this event in March and shared shortly thereafter.
> It's important we make this first event a success - and something we can build on - in size,
> frequency and regional diversity.
> Why is this called a summit?
> Because, like the Design summit, this meeting is focused on what is
> built in the next version of OpenStack. It just happens to be from an
> operator's perspective. It's more than a meet up and is not a
> conference or tech talk in anyway - there won't be howto's and
> presentations. It's a chance for the people that regularly deploy
> and run OpenStack to share what works, what doesn't, and how to make the product better for everyone.
> Why is this being held in March and not during the OpenStack Summit in May?
> The earlier we can provide input into the design process, the better, so we can influence
> the sessions and conversations that will take place at the Atlanta Summit. We are planning
> to meet again at that time, but want to provide feedback prior to the technical community gathering
> in May.
> Where will you be sharing the outcomes, and how I can provide input if I'm not able to attend?
> First, make sure you have filled out the user survey, which is a great opportunity to share your
> feedback and completely confidential at your request. http://www.openstack.org/user-survey
> We are referencing feedback from the survey in this session and again at the Atlanta Summit.
> We will be circulating more details of the way people can provide input remotely before the event along with publishing the notes afterwards for further comment.
> Tim, Ryan, JC, Tom, Sean, Matt and Subbu
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OpenStack-operators at lists.openstack.org
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