[Openstack-operators] Issues booting an image

Trygve Laugstøl trygvis at inamo.no
Tue Jul 31 18:45:24 UTC 2012


I've followed the debian+puppet installation guide [1], and have
gotten quite far. With some tweaks I seem to have a more or less
working setup, but when I'm trying to do the "nova boot" command, it
just hangs (even without the --poll option).

I've tried to look everywhere I could in logs and database locks, but
can't figure it out. I'm new to Openstack so I've probably done
something wrong and/or I'm not looking in the right place.

>From [2], and the output below it seems that it's stuck in the very
first step/stage "Compute.api.create_db_entry_for_new_instance".

I'm on #openstack on IRC if discussing online is easier.

Some output:

# nova list
|                  ID                  |    Name   | Status | Networks |
| 1485272e-5cc3-44e5-aa03-96105d9732b1 | FirstTest | BUILD  |          |

# nova show 1485272e-5cc3-44e5-aa03-96105d9732b1
|               Property              |                Value                 |
|          OS-DCF:diskConfig          |                MANUAL                |
|         OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host        |                 None                 |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname |                 None                 |
|    OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name    |          instance-00000009           |
|        OS-EXT-STS:power_state       |                  0                   |
|        OS-EXT-STS:task_state        |              scheduling              |
|         OS-EXT-STS:vm_state         |               building               |
|              accessIPv4             |                                      |
|              accessIPv6             |                                      |
|             config_drive            |                                      |
|               created               |         2012-07-31T18:36:01Z         |
|                flavor               |               m1.tiny                |
|                hostId               |                                      |
|                  id                 | 1485272e-5cc3-44e5-aa03-96105d9732b1 |
|                image                |              CirrOS 0.3              |
|               key_name              |             test_keypair             |
|               metadata              |                  {}                  |
|                 name                |              FirstTest               |
|               progress              |                  0                   |
|                status               |                BUILD                 |
|              tenant_id              |   e86d1678663748d58b79d1e0bea3bb37   |
|               updated               |         2012-07-31T18:36:01Z         |
|               user_id               |   be16ba89676a4f27a04edc3aa65ed0b3   |

[1]: http://wiki.debian.org/OpenStackPuppetHowto
[2]: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/nova/devref/vmstates.html#create-instance-states


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