[Openstack-operators] Perl libraries for Openstack, specifically Swift?

Greg Holt gholt at rackspace.com
Fri May 27 16:13:30 UTC 2011

On May 27, 2011, at 10:31 AM, Richard Hartmann wrote:

> I will need to interface Swift from Perl soonish and am
> seriously considering to side-step the S3 compatibility layer and
> simply implementing Swift support natively. Someone has to do it
> anyway so it might just as well be me.

Cool! I don't know of anyone else working on this, but hopefully they'll chime in if they are. Conrad Weidenkeller's been maintaining the existing Cloud Files (Rackspace's Swift installation) bindings but those don't include Perl (yet).

He's also been working on refactoring those bindings to work better with Swift alone as well as Cloud Files extras (CDN for example) and to have a low-level API as well as a high-level one. This work has been a "as he gets time" thing though, but it'll be really nice when all the APIs have similar implementations.

I'd recommend just imitating the low-level Python API we have swift/common/client.py (which Conrad is basing his new work on) and worrying about the object oriented style API later, but I'm biased because I seldom use the OO APIs. :)

swift/common/client.py has a known "biggie" that I want to get to but haven't yet. All the functions *should* allow arbitrary headers to be passed along (such as User-Agent). I should get to that soon(tm) though.

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