[Openstack-operators] Openstack with XENserver! Error:No flavor with a name or ID of ' ' exists

jeffrey coho jeffreycohobupt at gmail.com
Sat Dec 10 11:21:04 UTC 2011

   I run *nova flavor-llist* cmd, it shows several flavors, as shown in the
last mail,but if i run
*nova-manage flavor list*,it has the following error.What seems to be the

  u111 at u1110-HVM-domU:~/openstack/nova$ ./bin/nova-manage flavor list
2011-12-10 19:13:10,617 DEBUG nova.utils
[c382c3ec-727b-46ec-9263-bed7f3fed8d6 None None] backend <module
'nova.db.sqlalchemy.api' from
'/home/u1110/openstack/nova/nova/db/sqlalchemy/api.pyc'> from (pid=15733)
__get_backend /home/u1110/openstack/nova/nova/utils.py:495
Command failed, please check log for more info
2011-12-10 19:13:10,701 CRITICAL nova [-] 'rxtx_quota'
(nova): TRACE: Traceback (most recent call last):
(nova): TRACE:   File "./bin/nova-manage", line 2340, in <module>
(nova): TRACE:     main()
(nova): TRACE:   File "./bin/nova-manage", line 2328, in main
(nova): TRACE:     fn(*fn_args, **fn_kwargs)
(nova): TRACE:   File "./bin/nova-manage", line 1792, in list
(nova): TRACE:     self._print_instance_types(k, v)
(nova): TRACE:   File "./bin/nova-manage", line 1711, in
(nova): TRACE:     val["flavorid"], val["swap"], val["rxtx_quota"],
(nova): TRACE: KeyError: 'rxtx_quota'
(nova): TRACE:

2011/12/10 jeffrey coho <jeffreycohobupt at gmail.com>

> Hi,all,
>    I am using Openstack with XenServer.But when I use  nova boot command
> to run an instance, I got
> this error message(*No flavor with a name or ID of ' ' exists*).The
> screen shot in the attatchment
> shows more details.Thanks a lot.
> Yours,
> Jeff
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