[OpenStack-Infra] The issue: about use authentication between the gerrit and the zuul.

Joshua Hesketh joshua.hesketh at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 07:49:30 UTC 2016

The gerrit connection section of your zuul.conf can take a username and
sshkey (this is the method of authentication). Are you setting that?

On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 11:51 AM, wangxf at awcloud.com <wangxf at awcloud.com>

> hi, everyone
>      I'm trying to build the CI syste environment on my openstack env.
> It's use Gerrit,Zuul,Jenkins and JJB.
> Up to now everything is ok. Use JJB builded all jobs. And Gearman is
> working with Jenkins. But Zuul and Gerrit
> is not work will.When create a new patch though the git. I can check some
> error in zuul.log file.
> Here I want to explain. My gerrit server is enable the authentication
> system. It's not allow to login as anonymous. I try to reconfig in
> zuul.conf file, But I can not find any opentional about use authentication
> for gerrit web server.
> I reconfig the value of the baseurl like this:
> http://someuser:somepasswd@gerrit.server.com
> in gerrit section.
> but It's still does not work and have the other error in the zuul.log.
> httplib.InvalidURL: nonnumeric port
> (I think this is a bug for urllib2)
> So How Can I continue to do? modify the code or other?
> Tips:
> The zuul use the urllib2 that communication to the gerrit.
> Please!!!
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