[OpenStack-Infra] On image builds and F21

James E. Blair corvus at inaugust.com
Fri Feb 27 15:50:58 UTC 2015

Ian Wienand <iwienand at redhat.com> writes:

> Hi,
> Firstly, being someone who is trying to keep several images going in
> nodepool and being some distance away from the nodepool servers, the
> current situation of it logging to a single rather large file is often
> annoying.  Yes I do know how to use grep, but IMO the use-case for
> wanting every single log message all jumbled up is weaker than the
> case for splitting it up.

Yes, there is no good use case for that, I would love for them to be

> I'm trying to get on-top of fedora kernel issues; compare logs for
> centos builds to some manual testing being done and generally monitor
> the health of the builds.

By the way, does a resumed transfer work for a partial download (ie, the
HTTP Range header)?

> There is a proposal to have nodepool automatically split out these
> logs [1], have puppet deal with it [2] and I'm willing to add nodepool
> support for re-reading the config if we can agree.

I do not think that OpenStack's logging configuration should be
contained within the nodepool source code.  I think any of these
alternate approaches would be okay:

1) Have a logger definition in a config file that is treated as a
template and then automatically duplicated for each provider-image

2) Stop using the python logging module and just take a path for the
directory and write files there, leaving rotation/cleanup to an external
tool (that we would manage with puppet).

3) Manually create log config file entries for DIB images, since there
won't be as many of them.  Once we finish moving away from snapshot
images, the set of logs and configuration for them will be manageable.

There might be other options I haven't thought of.



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