[OpenStack-Infra] On image builds and F21

Ian Wienand iwienand at redhat.com
Fri Feb 27 10:03:15 UTC 2015


Firstly, being someone who is trying to keep several images going in
nodepool and being some distance away from the nodepool servers, the
current situation of it logging to a single rather large file is often
annoying.  Yes I do know how to use grep, but IMO the use-case for
wanting every single log message all jumbled up is weaker than the
case for splitting it up.

I'm trying to get on-top of fedora kernel issues; compare logs for
centos builds to some manual testing being done and generally monitor
the health of the builds.

There is a proposal to have nodepool automatically split out these
logs [1], have puppet deal with it [2] and I'm willing to add nodepool
support for re-reading the config if we can agree.

I know this isn't on anyone's priority list but I hope we can find
some sort of solution.


We (i.e. afazekas and his vast tempest knowledge) have identified the
kernel version as being behind the periodic f21 job instability.  As
noted in another thread the rackspace image is broken w.r.t kernel
updates [3]; maybe someone is working on it but it hasn't been
mentioned to me.

I think the best idea is to get f21 dib builds going, as in [4].  mea
culpa as that hit a merge failure some time back and I let it lapse.
I would appreciate if we could agree on that and I'll dig into the
logs to debug any issues (see note above; upstream always seems to
manage to trigger something different than my local testing).


As mentioned in the last meeting my short-term goal is to have the
devstack centos job voting.  While it's been running the
devstack/tempest smoke-tests just fine, we'll just sort out the issues
with the centos cinder/glusterfs job first to make sure there's
nothing lurking.


[1] https://review.openstack.org/153904/
[2] https://review.openstack.org/156457
[3] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-infra/2015-February/002457.html
[4] https://review.openstack.org/140911/

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