[OpenStack-Infra] Unable to connect to puppetdb server!

Jay Pipes jaypipes at gmail.com
Wed Mar 5 19:09:34 UTC 2014

On Wed, 2014-03-05 at 23:19 +0530, Vinay Mahuli wrote:
> My requirement is to set-up my own ci infra for a open source product
> (This product sits on top of openstack).
> The first thing which we did is to
> go-through http://ci.openstack.org/running-your-own.html
> The "initial step" in this link contains
> http://ci.openstack.org/puppet.html#id2


> I have set-up 6 hosts(puppetmaster, review, jenkins-master,
> jenkins-slave, zuul, puppetdashboard) in my infrastructure.
> 1. Can you suggest me the right approach?

There are multiple right approaches. The one I took was to use the
upstream openstack-infra/config puppet modules and bash scripts as much
as possible, since those are what the infra team knows well and has
experience with.

> 2. Can you give me some more info on using the install_master.sh
> script from the os-ext-testing
> repository?

Please see my blog articles here for information about this:



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