[OpenStack-Infra] disable full recheck if only the commit message changed

Sean Dague sean at dague.net
Sat Jun 7 11:17:20 UTC 2014

On 06/07/2014 03:58 AM, Antoine Musso wrote:
> Le 06/06/2014 14:06, Jeremy Stanley a écrit :
>> Changing the commit message changes the Git SHA of the commit, and
>> Gerrit reports this in its event stream as a distinct patchset. Zuul
>> would need to retrieve previous and current patchsets on every event
>> and compare them... I'm not sure the relatively minimal savings
>> would be worth the additional complexity, though others may
>> disagree.
> Hello,
> It might not be that hard to do.  Gerrit has an option to copy previous
> votes when a new patchset is a trivial rebase or has no code change (ie
> only the commit message got changed).
> https://review.openstack.org/Documentation/config-labels.html#label_copyAllScoresIfNoCodeChange
> So potentially Gerrit can be enhanced to attach that informations to the
> new-patchset event sent over stream-events.  From there it will be
> trivial to skip the check in Zuul.

Some projects do enforcement on the commit message by bots. So before
doing that you'd want to separate off that enforcement in a way that it
could be independent of running functional tests.

Honestly, though, this is currently having the good side effect of
running tests an extra set of times on people's code. And given that the
biggest issue we are fighting right now is that too many bugs landed,
running tests on change sets more times before they go in isn't a
terrible idea.


Sean Dague

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