[OpenStack-Infra] Running devstack in a Jenkins job within an LXC container

Jeremy Stanley fungi at yuggoth.org
Sat Feb 15 01:43:59 UTC 2014

On 2014-02-14 20:31:38 -0500 (-0500), Jay Pipes wrote:
> At the end you will note something about leaked file descriptors. I'm
> not sure if this is actually the cause of the failure of the job or not,

That's typical. Jenkins thinks it should warn you if your job
creates any files outside the workspace since it assumes anything
leaking out of that sandboxed area might be unintended. Pretty much
all of DevStack operates outside the workspace, so it's just
something we generally ignore in the output.

Chances are something returned a nonzero, probably the apt-get
install command. Note that open-iscsi failed to start, resulting in
"dpkg: error processing open-iscsi (--configure): subprocess
installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1". In
cases like these, apt-get will continue to process the remaining
packages but then return with a nonzero exit code once it's done.
Jeremy Stanley

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