[OpenStack-I18n] Questions about Stein Dashboard UI translations

Akihiro Motoki amotoki at gmail.com
Thu Apr 4 16:35:30 UTC 2019

I see no content for stable-stein version for example in
neutron-fwaas-dashboard [1].
What should we do?
I am really confused with the process around stable-stein cut....


On Mon, Apr 1, 2019 at 7:21 PM Frank Kloeker <eumel at arcor.de> wrote:

> Good morning,
> last week I was on a business trip and just wondering about ML
> activities. But for sure, we have release weeks and thanks for raising
> up that topic.
> Based on Ian's work I just cleaned up the Stein Dashboard with stable
> branches as available [1]. So it's more clear what translators have to
> do, I mean translate stable branch instead of master. There is no clear
> handover between project teams when a stable branch is available, so
> this needs to investigate by Zanata admin/PTL, or the failed job list on
> [2]. A lot of good jobs are already running on [3]
> Further I investigted Ian's creation of empty versions in Zanata and I
> would say that won't work well, because that are post jobs and not
> periodic jobs in Zuul. So if now merge on stable branch will happen, the
> po files won't sync to Zanata. Or it will take days, like in [4]. On the
> other hand, someone will translate things targeting in that release,
> then it's required to copy the stable version from master as usually.
> I know, this takes some time and work, but at the moment there is no
> improvement because Zanata developement is already gone and the feature
> set on API is at it is.
> Regarding the second question for Horizon on translation check site it
> might be a question for the Horizon team. From my experience with
> language settings it depends mostly on your browser settings. So I'm not
> sure if it's really a bug.
> kind regards
> Frank
> [1]
> https://translate.openstack.org/version-group/view/Stein-dashboard-translation
> [2]
> http://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=upstream-translation-update&job_name=propose-translation-update&result=Failure
> [3]
> http://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=upstream-translation-update&branch=stable%2Fstein
> [4]
> http://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=upstream-translation-update&project=openstack%2Fdesignate-dashboard
> Am 2019-03-27 03:21, schrieb Yuko Katabami:
> > Hi Frank and all,
> >
> > I have a couple of questions about Horizon UI translation.
> > Hope you can help me.
> >
> > 1. Is stable-stein version going to be created soon in Zanata? I
> > noticed that the projects in github already have the new branch.
> >
> > 2. With Octavia Dashboard, I am not able to see Japanese translations
> > in Horizon even though it is 100% completed in master. I can see that
> > po files are imported properly:
> >
> https://github.com/openstack/octavia-dashboard/tree/master/octavia_dashboard/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES
> > Is there anything I need to do to be able to see it in my environment?
> >
> > Many thanks in advance.
> >
> > Yuko
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