[Openstack-i18n] Looking for Translations for Nova Mitaka RC1

Ragwitz, Augustina augustina.ragwitz at hpe.com
Thu Mar 17 16:12:53 UTC 2016

    > According the agreement about StringFreeze[1], cutting RC1 means hard
    > freeze and translators can get extra 10 days to complete their
    > translations after hard freeze. So I don't think we can finish the job
    > next week. The translation work is planned to be finished at the early of
    > the week after next.
    > Can you figure out when is the last day to merge nova translations ?

I will follow up with the Nova team to find out our projected timeline for RC2. We have our team meeting today so I'll bring it up then. I assumed it would be end of next week based on the date in Launchpad for the OpenStack project [1], but this might not be accurate.

[1] https://launchpad.net/openstack/+milestone/mitaka-rc2

Augustina Ragwitz
Sr System Software Engineer, HPE Cloud
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
irc: auggy

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