[Openstack-i18n] Glossary management

Frank Kloeker eumel at arcor.de
Tue Mar 8 18:59:33 UTC 2016

Hi Akihiro,

Am 2016-03-05 20:17, schrieb Akihiro Motoki:
> I agree that it is better to use gerrit to manage glossaries, but all
> of my efforts
> disappointed me and discourage me to do more efforts.
> I already tried to maintain our glossary with context in our git 
> repository.
> It used YAML file and converts it to PO files. It allowed us to keep
> contextual information.
> You said it will be discussed in the IRC meetings, but I got no 
> feedback.
> I felt  it was simply ignored (or rejected).
> (I could not join IRC meetings. If joining meetings is a requirement,
> I have to go away.)

I'm a little bit worried about your email. And I feel frustation on this 
In the past we had multiple meetings with Glossary management on the 
agenda. I think it's not a requirement to join the meeting, but you want 
to change something and you are involved in this topic.
With this background I would expect your participation. You have time 
next week Thursday? Or should we plan an extra meeting only with this 
topic? I think it should be possible.

> Perhaps, I am expecting too much and I may be better to be a 
> translator.

Really not, Akihiro :-)
Let's go forward! Since the translation period with new team members 
started, we need a solution very quickly.

kind regards


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