[OpenStack-docs] [install-guide] Mimicking the install-guide for project specific install guides

Andreas Jaeger aj at suse.com
Mon Jul 4 05:23:13 UTC 2016

On 07/04/2016 03:44 AM, Lana Brindley wrote:
> Sorry for being late to the party. Right now, I think I don't fully understand all the issues, which is why I've been holding off. However, I think rolling with option 3 (let projects choose for now and revisit) seems sensible for the moment. I don't think it's wise to mandate (or ban) use of only at this early stage until we have a clearer picture of how it's being used (or abused).

It's not use or abuse - it's far more complicated to use (both on
tooling and reviewing) as well more difficult to generate a proper index.

We've had quite some fun getting only right in our guides and still
every now and then a change comes in that is supposed for one distro but
breaks others. We now have some reviewers that know what to look for and
how to review this - but this is a complexity that needs teaching to
core reviewers in those project teams.

Also, building with only means you have to build for each distro -
that's a more difficult way of setting it up (needs extra scripts) as
well you need to be careful with publishing so that we can use the same
jobs for all projects.

 Andreas Jaeger aj@{suse.com,opensuse.org} Twitter/Identica: jaegerandi
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