[Openstack-docs] Training Guides becoming a project in its own right?
Jeremy Stanley
fungi at yuggoth.org
Tue Jun 10 00:59:56 UTC 2014
On 2014-06-09 19:23:03 -0500 (-0500), Anne Gentle wrote:
> For two releases, incubating projects remain on StackForge.
> "Projects that have spent at least two development milestones in
> incubation are reviewed" (from
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/NewProjects).
That paragraph doesn't support your interpretation, based on my
reading (and what I've seen us do so far). It looks to me like it
says that the *incubation period* needs to last at least two
*development milestones* before getting considered for integration
(and note we have three development milestones per release cycle
prior to release candidates being cut). And at any rate, what I was
trying to point out is that usually as soon as the TC approves a
program for incubation (not for *integration*) its projects are
generally renamed into the openstack/.* Git repository namespace as
soon as possible.
There is also no precedent I'm aware of for an official OpenStack
program maintaining projects in StackForge (if they're governed by
an official program they're under the OpenStack umbrella--otherwise
they go in StackForge or find hosting elsewhere). About the closest
thing to which I can map your current proposal of "official program
incubating a project in StackForge" would be to have the training
documentation spun out into a separate program which can request an
incubation evaluation directly from the TC.
> During that time period, typically projects are not on
> docs.openstack.org, so I'm looking for a domain to indicate this
> incubation state for the docs. It'd be great to use our definition
> for incubating projects other than training. What might be a good
> umbrella URL?
It sounds like you're looking for a way to mark some documents as
officially supported vs. incomplete work in progress. I'm
unconvinced that the project being in StackForge or not really
makes any difference in that regard if it's still being published to
an official site. If you want a separate publication namespace for
them, a subdirectory is as good as anything I guess (though do most
people even look at URLs in this day and age, or would theming
differences make the distinction more readily apparent?). This still
has no bearing on the Git repository namespace however.
> Agreed, I'll start a conversation with a proposal and get it on a
> TC meeting agenda, please let me know some good naming
> conventions. We have http://docs.openstack.org/incubation/ --
> what else might work well for this purpose?
That seems as good as anything to me... I'm not so much concerned
about bikeshedding a particular subdirectory name as making sure we
have clarity around whether StackForge projects really should be
publishing documentation on docs.openstack.org (because up until now
we've told them they have to use RTFD or other hosting not on
official OpenStack documentation sites).
Jeremy Stanley
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