[Openstack-docs] New blueprint: Reorganize gating-setup
Andreas Jaeger
aj at suse.com
Mon Aug 11 15:25:39 UTC 2014
On 08/11/2014 05:16 PM, Anne Gentle wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 2:44 AM, Andreas Jaeger <aj at suse.com
> <mailto:aj at suse.com>> wrote:
> On 08/11/2014 09:36 AM, Tom Fifield wrote:
> > On 11/08/14 13:20, Andreas Jaeger wrote:
> >> On 08/11/2014 05:26 AM, Tom Fifield wrote:
> >>> On 10/08/14 22:21, Andreas Jaeger wrote:
> >>>> With the addition of a non-voting check for linked URLs, we need to
> >>>> touch Jenkins jobs and our tox.ini everywhere. I suggest to do this
> >>>> differently: Combine the tiny voting jobs in one job and do the
> same
> >>>> for
> >>>> non-voting jobs.
> >>>>
> >>>> So, instead of:
> >>>> * check-syntax
> >>>> * check-niceness
> >>>> * check-deletions
> >>>> * check-links
> >>>>
> >>>> we would have:
> >>>> * check-voting
> >>>> * check-non-voting
> >>>
> >>> May I ask what would be posted on the review comment? Would we still
> >>> have a posting of all of the various job results {syntax, niceness,
> >>> deletions, links} and FAIL/PASS next to them? Or would it be just
> >>> {voting, non-voting} PASS/FAIL.
> >>
> >> It would be
> >> voting: PASS
> >> non-voting: PASS
> >> check-build: PASS
> >> check-lang: PASS
> >>
> >> And then you need to click on the link for details - like you do
> today -
> >> but also to read out which check failed,
> >
> > Ok, if that's the case, my preference would be to leave it as it is -
> > with each check giving its own explicit pass/fail.
> >
> > Aside from my personal preference, I believe explicitly separating the
> > tests is more friendly for new users.
> Let me cite from the blueprint for the reasons:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Reorganize the gating setup to combine the tiny jobs into a single
> voting and a single non-voting check. This will give more flexibility in
> adding new jobs and reduce load of Jenkins.
> Problem description
> Most of the current jobs are very small and it takes far longer to setup
> the virtual environment than running the tests. For example the niceness
> check runs in two seconds - while Jenkins needs at least 3 minutes for
> the whole job. The difference is that Jenkins needs to start a new
> virtual machine, install the git repository and all packages.
> With the addition of checking for links, we would have the following
> tiny jobs where each normally runs in less than 2 seconds:
> niceness check
> syntax check
> deletions check
> linked URL check
> Let’s combine these tiny jobs into voting and non-voting jobs.
> This gives us also the flexibility to add additional jobs easily and
> decide per repository on which of these jobs are voting and which are
> non-voting.
> I'm catching up. My first thought is that it's a bit different from what
> the rest of the teams are doing, and I wondered if this is a test bed
> for other projects? I know when I do a patch for nova the list of
> pass/fail is long. It might be nice from a usability standpoint to
> pre-sort the list in voting, non-voting (and for nova, 3rd party). Is
> that what spurred this blueprint? It's a bit out of the blue (ha) so
> just trying to get context.
this is not urgent ;)
Background: Looking at the linked URL check that was discussed, I was
going to propose a new job for infra - and then considered doing it
I also had some discussions with some infra folks where they asked about
combining the jobs since some of ours are really tiny (more a suggestion
than a strong request). The total runtime of the niceness, syntax and
deletions check is normally less than 1s - but Jenkins needs two to
three minutes for each due to all the overhead...
Andreas Jaeger aj@{suse.com,opensuse.org} Twitter: jaegerandi
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
GF: Jeff Hawn,Jennifer Guild,Felix Imendörffer,HRB16746 (AG Nürnberg)
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