[Openstack-docs] proposed rst-xml automation openstack-manuals blueprint

Diane Fleming diane.fleming at RACKSPACE.COM
Tue Oct 29 13:11:19 UTC 2013

Tom, I already did a pass at removing things that aren't common that are in the common directory. (We probably need another pass at that though.)

But why can't translators manage common files? I mean, on a book-by-book basis? If they translate the Install Guide, don't they translate the common files in that book?

Does it matter if everything in that folder is not translated?

Diane Fleming
Software Developer II - US
diane.fleming at rackspace.com
Cell  512.323.6799
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From: Nermina Miller <nerminamiller at gmail.com<mailto:nerminamiller at gmail.com>>
Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 7:18 AM
To: Tom Fifield <tom at openstack.org<mailto:tom at openstack.org>>
Cc: "openstack-docs at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-docs at lists.openstack.org>" <openstack-docs at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-docs at lists.openstack.org>>
Subject: Re: [Openstack-docs] proposed rst-xml automation openstack-manuals blueprint

Tom, these files could be kept in the currently proposed Sources folder within the Training Guides folder. Would that alleviate your concerns? However, these devref files contain valuable install information that could be included in other guides. I could analyze them further to see how they could be appropriated. If there's no significant value that would make them xi:includable for other guides, then they could be hosted in the Training folder. The ultimate intent is to make them accessible and part of the OS Docs family. I would think that translators would focus only on the files that are particular to a specific guide and not the entire Common folder. I'll respond to Anne's comments shortly. - Nermina

On Monday, October 28, 2013, Tom Fifield wrote:
On 29/10/13 11:45, Nermina Miller wrote:
> - Add the entire batch of the devref files to the Common folder
> (subfolder Training) so the files can be made available to the other
> guides in the long term. (Why all? Because the py script updates and
> converts them ALL at the same time. You may already know this but it
> helps to explain the need for such a large batch.)

This is a problem for translation.

The common directory is already over 50,000 words - putting it beyond
the reach of all but our most dedicated language teams. I've actually
had a plan to try and move some material that really isn't 'common' out
of there for this reason.

Using common as a dumping ground will essentially prevent translation of
the best parts of our manuals - those that have been lovingly crafted
for use in several documents. Translators should be able to make maximum
impact by translating items in common, but that's not true today.

For a real example, take the install guide - it's just 18k words, a nice
small guide and easy to translate. There's actually some good progress
being made in several languages (more than 20% in Russian and Chinese).
However, it also has some content from common, and working with the 50k
mess to get a complete document out is pretty annoying.

In short: please don't put stuff in common unless it is truly used by
multiple documents, and especially don't use it as a dumping ground for
large amounts of content.



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Thank you!

Nermina Miller
Tech Writer and Editor

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