Hello ! I recently wrote a Sphinx extension (https://github.com/stackforge/sphinxcontrib-docbookrestapi) that is used to generate the Ceilometer documentation for api.openstack.org (http://api.openstack.org/api-ref-metering.html). It should be integrated into Ceilometer soon enough (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57978/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57574/). Julien Danjou (CCed) proposed that we automatically generate this documentation. The idea would be to remove the WADL file from api-site, and replace it with a script that periodically checks out Ceilometer, runs the documentation generator, then pushes the generated files to api.openstack.org. Would you agree on making such a change ? If so, do you know how it could be done technically (which machine should run the script, for instance) ? Best regards, Cyril Roelandt.