[Openstack-docs] typo in the parameters ?

Eduard barrera eduard.barrera at gmail.com
Thu Jul 18 15:56:56 UTC 2013

This is what I will submit in the bug report,

Would you like to add some clarification ?


Hi All,

I have been installing keystone


and I found the following problem in the documentation:

   - keystone user-role-add

keystone user-role-add --user-id 46b2667a7807483d983e0b4037a1623b
--tenant-id eb7e0c10a99446cfa14c244374549e9d --role-id

but the help is

*[root at localhost ~]# keystone user-role-add help*
*usage: keystone user-role-add --user <user-id> --role <role-id>*
*                              [--tenant_id <tenant-id>]*
*keystone user-role-add: error: argument --user is required*

- the paramenter --user-id in the documentation should be --user and
- the paramenter --role-id in the documentation should be --role

   - keystone user-create


look at tenant-id parameter:

>>>Grant the admin role to the glance user in the service tenant.

>>>$ keystone user-role-add --user-id 46b2667a7807483d983e0b4037a1623b
>>>*--tenant-id *eb7e0c10a99446cfa14c244374549e9d --role-id

but in the in fact

*[root at localhost ~]#  keystone user-create help
usage: keystone user-create --name <user-name> *[--tenant_id *<tenant-id>]
                            [--pass <pass>] [--email <email>]
                            [--enabled <true|false>]
keystone user-create: error: argument --name is required*

*--tenant_id instead of --tenant-id*

Summer Long notes on openstack mailing list:
*>>And I realized that in some places I have tu use --tenant instead of
tenant-id or tenant_id

>>Hi Eduard,
>>And even more interesting is that both tenant_id and tenant-id work when
creating a user. I just tried both, and they work fine. I guess the dev
folk >>wanted to cover all bases, but didn't add them into the help.

>>Interestingly, the --pass option is listed as optional, not a
requirement, and that one is decidedly not! Don't suppose you'd like to add
that one in >>when you raise the software-help bug?

>>thanks again for the checks,*

   - keystone endpoint-create

keystone endpoint-create  --region RegionOne
--service-id=cbdac96b404f4ea2ad370e4499a79fba  --publicurl=  --internalurl=

In this case the --service-id is not working for me dispite the help
message says --service_id. I had to use --service

My wrong command:

[root at localhost ~]# keystone endpoint-create \
>  --region RegionOne \
>  *--service-id*=cbdac96b404f4ea2ad370e4499a79fba \
>  --publicurl= \
>  --internalurl= \
>  --adminurl=
usage: keystone [--os_username <auth-user-name>]
                [--os_password <auth-password>]
                [--os_tenant_name <auth-tenant-name>]
                [--os_tenant_id <tenant-id>] [--os_auth_url <auth-url>]
                [--os_region_name <region-name>]
                [--os_identity_api_version <identity-api-version>]
                [--token <service-token>] [--endpoint <service-endpoint>]
                [--username <auth-user-name>] [--password <auth-password>]
                [--tenant_name <tenant-name>] [--auth_url <auth-url>]
                [--region_name <region-name>]
                <subcommand> ...
keystone: error: unrecognized arguments:

my right command:
[root at localhost ~]# keystone endpoint-create  --region RegionOne  *--service
*=cbdac96b404f4ea2ad370e4499a79fba  --publicurl=
--internalurl=  --adminurl=
|   Property  |              Value               |
| adminurl    |      |
| id          | 534b395402bf4ff5bf180fa0a7805baf |
| internalurl |       |
| publicurl   |       |
| region      | RegionOne                        |
| service_id  | cbdac96b404f4ea2ad370e4499a79fba |

keystone help endpoint-create output
[root at localhost ~]#  keystone help endpoint-create
usage: keystone endpoint-create [--region <endpoint-region>]
                                [*--service_id* <service-id>]
                                [--publicurl <public-url>]
                                [--adminurl <admin-url>]
                                [--internalurl <internal-url>]

Create a new endpoint associated with a service

Optional arguments:
  --region <endpoint-region>
                        Endpoint region
  --service_id <service-id>
                        ID of service associated with Endpoint
  --publicurl <public-url>
                        Public URL endpoint
  --adminurl <admin-url>
                        Admin URL endpoint
  --internalurl <internal-url>
                        Internal URL endpoint

   - *keystone token-get*


In this case --os-auth-get should be --os_auth_get

my wrong command:

[root at localhost ~]# keystone
usage: keystone [--os_username <auth-user-name>]
                [--os_password <auth-password>]
                [--os_tenant_name <auth-tenant-name>]
                [--os_tenant_id <tenant-id>] [--os_auth_url <auth-url>]
                [--os_region_name <region-name>]
                [--os_identity_api_version <identity-api-version>]
                [--token <service-token>] [--endpoint <service-endpoint>]
                [--username <auth-user-name>] [--password <auth-password>]
                [--tenant_name <tenant-name>] [--auth_url <auth-url>]
                [--region_name <region-name>]
                <subcommand> ...
keystone: error: unrecognized arguments: --os-auth-url=

my right command:

keystone --os_username=admin --os_password=xxxxxxxxxx *--os_auth_url*= token-get

All this thing can make fail (not tested )  some provided scripts like

On 15 July 2013 13:16, Eduard barrera <eduard.barrera at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I was following this instructions for installing openstack
> http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/openstack-compute/install/yum/content/setting-up-tenants-users-and-roles-manually.html
> and I found something strange. Where it says:
> keystone user-role-add --user-id 46b2667a7807483d983e0b4037a1623b --tenant-id eb7e0c10a99446cfa14c244374549e9d --role-id e3d9d157cc95410ea45d23bbbc2e5c10
> but the help is
> *[root at localhost ~]# keystone user-role-add help*
> *usage: keystone user-role-add --user <user-id> --role <role-id>*
> *                              [--tenant_id <tenant-id>]*
> *keystone user-role-add: error: argument --user is required*
> so
> - the paramenter --user-id in the documentation should be --user and
> - the paramenter --role-id in the documentation should be --role
> software installed is:
> python-keystone-2012.1.3-3.fc17.noarch
> python-keystoneclient-2012.1-1.fc17.noarch
> openstack-keystone-2012.1.3-3.fc17.noarch
> python-keystone-auth-token-2012.1.3-3.fc17.noarch
> Hope this is useful and let me know if I can do something else or further
> information is required!
> Cheers,
> Eduard
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