[keystone] Updates to core reviewers

Nikolla, Kristi knikolla at bu.edu
Wed Jun 21 14:26:39 UTC 2023

Hi all,

Some updates to the core reviewers in Keystone repos.

Dave Wilde (d34dh0r53) has been Keystone PTL for the Antelope and Bobcat cycle and has done an amazing work. Dave is now a core reviewer in Keystone.

Artem Goncharov (gtema) is the PTL of OpenStack SDK, he is willing to help out with the Keystoneauth library, that being a core part of the SDK and CLI. Thank you Artem, you are now a core reviewer of Keystoneauth.

Lance Bragstad (lbragstad) has been inactive for a bit over a year now and I believe doesn't work on OpenStack anymore. Due to that I am removing as a core reviewer from Keystone. Lance has been a contributor to Keystone and OpenStack for a really really long time and was an essential part of the Keystone team, serving as its PTL too.

Kristi Nikolla

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