Unable to access Internet from an instance and accessing instance using floating-point IPs from external network

vincent lee vincentlee676 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 02:39:23 UTC 2022

Hi all,
I have an OpenStack deployment using kolla-ansible
<https://docs.openstack.org/kolla-ansible/latest/user/quickstart.html> with
the Yoga version. Our network setup is provided in the attachment (
*network.jpg*). The configuration file (*globals.yml)* and inventory (
*multinode*) are also attached to this email. After the deployment steps, I
try to run the script *init-runonce* to create the images and the networks
by modifying the external network parameters according to our network
setup. I am successful in launching instances from the horizon dashboard.
However, the instances were not able to connect to the Internet. I have
tried attaching the floating point IPs to the instance, where the IPs are
successfully allocated from the range I have specified in the*
init-runonce* script.
When I launched the instance and tried to ping the external network, it
failed. It will be very helpful if anyone can advise me to resolve this
issue. I am currently using Ubuntu 20.04.05 LTS version on the controller
and compute nodes.

Best regards,
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