Octavia Amphora staying in PENDING_CREATE forever.

Russell Stather Russell.Stather at ignitiongroup.co.za
Sun May 22 14:54:14 UTC 2022


igadmin at ig-umh-maas:~$ openstack loadbalancer amphora list
| id                                   | loadbalancer_id                      | status  | role | lb_network_ip                           | ha_ip |
| 5364e993-0f3b-477f-ac03-07fb6767480f | 962204f0-516a-4bc5-886e-6ed27f98efad | BOOTING | None | fc00:e3bf:6573:9272:f816:3eff:fe57:6acf | None  |

This gives me an IPv6 address. What do you mean by the controller nodes? The node running octavia itself?

From: Oliver Weinmann <oliver.weinmann at me.com>
Sent: 22 May 2022 16:18
To: Russell Stather <Russell.Stather at ignitiongroup.co.za>
Cc: openstack-discuss at lists.openstack.org <openstack-discuss at lists.openstack.org>
Subject: Re: Octavia Amphora staying in PENDING_CREATE forever.

Hi Russel,

Usually this happened to me when the Octavia network was not reachable from the controller nodes. Can you run:

Openstack loadbalancer amphora list

This should show you the assigned ip of the amphora instance. Try to ping this from your controller nodes.

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 22.05.2022 um 14:45 schrieb Russell Stather <Russell.Stather at ignitiongroup.co.za>:

I have uploaded an amphora image, but it sits in pending_create forever. Any ideas what it could be waiting for?

Any ideas appreciated.


igadmin at ig-umh-maas:~$ openstack loadbalancer show lb1
| Field               | Value                                |
| admin_state_up      | True                                 |
| availability_zone   | None                                 |
| created_at          | 2022-05-22T12:20:34                  |
| description         |                                      |
| flavor_id           | None                                 |
| id                  | 66cd63ca-9fb2-42c9-b393-18cb3662b530 |
| listeners           |                                      |
| name                | lb1                                  |
| operating_status    | OFFLINE                              |
| pools               |                                      |
| project_id          | bfb1cf98939f4885b908f8667a66907e     |
| provider            | amphora                              |
| provisioning_status | PENDING_CREATE                       |
| updated_at          | None                                 |
| vip_address         |                         |
| vip_network_id      | be5f8494-1964-466b-a47a-8e5430976009 |
| vip_port_id         | 00dcde13-7227-429f-b0e8-dc3af470f1ae |
| vip_qos_policy_id   | None                                 |
| vip_subnet_id       | 66690e99-44b2-4233-8f16-d539c8a05090 |
| tags                |                                      |

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