Creating multiple servers with a shared volume

open infra openinfradn at
Sat Sep 25 07:41:19 UTC 2021

On Sat, Sep 25, 2021 at 7:37 AM Laurent Dumont <laurentfdumont at>

> Just to be sure, the flow is.
>    - Create VM with root disk on a volume/image.
>    - Create another 1TB volume.
>    - Attach the volume to the VM as a second drive using a multi attach
>    approach (
>    )?
>    - Create snapshot of the original VM (with it's root drive + 1 TB
>    volume)?
>    - Create new VM from snapshot.
>    - Instead of a new VM + 1 new root volume + the same 1TB multiattach
>    volume attached, you get a new multiattach volume (new volume ID and
>    everything)?

Yes, here is the block device mapping of the snapshot (from a VM with 100GB
of root disk and 1TB of multiattach volume)

block_device_mapping[{"image_id": null, "delete_on_termination": true,
"device_name": "/dev/vda", "disk_bus": "virtio", "volume_id": null,
"volume_type": null, "destination_type": "volume", "source_type":
"snapshot", "guest_format": null, "volume_size": 100, "device_type":
"disk", "snapshot_id": "7b2c7f3a-8420-4a33-820e-2d2231d930c7",
"boot_index": 0, "no_device": null, "tag": null}, {"image_id": null,
"delete_on_termination": false, "device_name": "/dev/vdb", "disk_bus":
null, "volume_id": null, "volume_type": null, "destination_type": "volume",
"source_type": "snapshot", "guest_format": null, "volume_size": 1000,
"device_type": null, "snapshot_id": "c2a0695f-8c9e-46f9-80a8-560c47521eeb",
"boot_index": null, "no_device": null, "tag": null}]

openstack image list


| ID                                   | Name           | Status |


| e9e0e6dc-6389-49a3-bd52-467520cd2c9e | vm-04-snap-new | active |


openstack volume list


| ID                                   | Name          | Status | Size |
Attached to                                                  |


| b239c3da-3276-4497-ad4c-1e900e907426 |               | in-use |  100 |
Attached to VM-04 on /dev/vda                                |

| 28088321-f87a-4392-bd6c-bcd0174184ea |               | in-use |  100 |
Attached to VM-03 on /dev/vda                                |

| c693b9ad-6d47-4a2c-93e4-36baaf25f062 | shared-volume | in-use | 1000 |
Attached to VM-03 on /dev/vdb Attached to VM-04 on /dev/vdb  |

Under volume >. snapshots
I can see two new volumes created

openstack volume snapshot list


| ID                                   | Name                        |
Description | Status    | Size |


| c2a0695f-8c9e-46f9-80a8-560c47521eeb | snapshot for vm-04-snap-new | None
      | available | 1000 |

| 7b2c7f3a-8420-4a33-820e-2d2231d930c7 | snapshot for vm-04-snap-new |
        | available |  100 |


controller-1:~$ openstack server create  --flavor WinGPU16  --image
vm-04-snap-new --max 10 vm


| Field                               | Value


| OS-DCF:diskConfig                   | MANUAL

| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone         |

| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host                | None

| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname | None

| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name       |

| OS-EXT-STS:power_state              | NOSTATE

| OS-EXT-STS:task_state               | scheduling

| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state                 | building

| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at              | None

| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at            | None

| accessIPv4                          |

| accessIPv6                          |

| addresses                           |

| adminPass                           | se8pWoZ8AQ5Y

| config_drive                        |

| created                             | 2021-09-25T07:25:51Z

| flavor                              | WinGPU16
(e3cd48c5-9675-42ad-a766-29b92c674224)       |

| hostId                              |

| id                                  | facfc95d-bcb5-452c-a7fb-fcfa22f4257b

| image                               | vm-04-snap-new
(e9e0e6dc-6389-49a3-bd52-467520cd2c9e) |

| key_name                            | None

| name                                | vm-1

| progress                            | 0

| project_id                          | 21639a96c609474390c837accd2de337

| properties                          |

| security_groups                     | name='default'

| status                              | BUILD

| updated                             | 2021-09-25T07:25:51Z

| user_id                             | 19faf07bb5da40b897e5dc73073cdec6

| volumes_attached                    |



controller-1:~$ openstack server list


| ID                                   | Name     | Status  | Networks
        | Image          | Flavor   |


| 24352c37-0c2d-4760-bb6e-aeb3f0432833 | vm-2  | ACTIVE  |
g3-ext= | vm-04-snap-new | WinGPU16 |

| 39f2a8d5-a895-47ef-8cdc-bd9f9fe6acd2 | vm-7  | ACTIVE  |
g3-ext= | vm-04-snap-new | WinGPU16 |

| 59330c7c-4c57-4aaa-9c83-69d05d670b53 | vm-6  | ACTIVE  |
g3-ext= | vm-04-snap-new | WinGPU16 |

| 60fc3dc6-c873-4faa-99e6-657a98fa2275 | vm-3  | ACTIVE  |
g3-ext= | vm-04-snap-new | WinGPU16 |

| 88af8a71-93f9-438b-93f3-4169b35842ca | vm-4  | ACTIVE  |
g3-ext= | vm-04-snap-new | WinGPU16 |

| 90fd144a-2126-45f0-85b7-59d68bff4ba1 | vm-9  | ACTIVE  |
g3-ext= | vm-04-snap-new | WinGPU16 |

| 91a069c3-7b31-40d2-b030-5cd23a53619f | vm-10 | ACTIVE  |
g3-ext= | vm-04-snap-new | WinGPU16 |

| 9f01af21-101c-412f-a6e3-89632170b932 | vm-8  | ACTIVE  |
g3-ext= | vm-04-snap-new | WinGPU16 |

| d345c99b-dac4-4ba2-8d2a-4d2aab5ab73c | vm-5  | ACTIVE  |
g3-ext= | vm-04-snap-new | WinGPU16 |

| facfc95d-bcb5-452c-a7fb-fcfa22f4257b | vm-1  | ACTIVE  |
g3-ext= | vm-04-snap-new | WinGPU16 |

| cec33607-a668-4ce8-ac16-c9f5b143d676 | VM-04    | SHUTOFF |
g3-ext= |                | WinGPU16 |

| 87efb650-d7b0-4459-a401-80ae95cd35c4 | VM-03    | SHUTOFF |
g3-ext= |                | WinGPU16 |


controller-1:~$ openstack volume list


| ID                                   | Name          | Status | Size |
Attached to                                                  |


| d2d51653-23d5-44a6-a713-b69c010c440d |               | in-use | 1000 |
Attached to vm-10 on /dev/vdb                             |

| 86f5b026-cdd6-46e1-9726-d159d38d2d1a |               | in-use | 1000 |
Attached to vm-8 on /dev/vdb                              |

| 775a21c3-9229-4487-a30d-267a844a9ed4 |               | in-use | 1000 |
Attached to vm-9 on /dev/vdb                              |

| 021cbae9-6610-4bbd-ac5d-6663c419532f |               | in-use | 1000 |
Attached to vm-7 on /dev/vdb                              |

| f46cefa0-3cfe-4a52-b6d2-8bccb6d1b2d9 |               | in-use | 1000 |
Attached to vm-6 on /dev/vdb                              |

| 887131fe-c2b8-41ca-b0c8-72dd75b4cd5b |               | in-use | 1000 |
Attached to vm-5 on /dev/vdb                              |

| f5aafed0-4b4b-4bce-ba5e-e96f717ecfa3 |               | in-use | 1000 |
Attached to vm-4 on /dev/vdb                              |

| ce07fe51-3808-4947-acea-a6344d39ef2b |               | in-use | 1000 |
Attached to vm-2 on /dev/vdb                              |

| c7088c07-e4cd-4baa-8c1a-1deeab5b486c |               | in-use | 1000 |
Attached to vm-1 on /dev/vdb                              |

| b1816c08-53c3-4391-8396-e710acf24edf |               | in-use | 1000 |
Attached to vm-3 on /dev/vdb                              |

| e3b8ccc9-0bdd-4c4f-8256-7e4905637d56 |               | in-use |  100 |
Attached to vm-8 on /dev/vda                              |

| a4a933e2-b139-4ba0-8cbe-523ac0eb5036 |               | in-use |  100 |
Attached to vm-10 on /dev/vda                             |

| 81997801-840a-4f23-98d6-af961abad590 |               | in-use |  100 |
Attached to vm-9 on /dev/vda                              |

| 3d22538f-6f88-4529-a689-df0c37f2a00f |               | in-use |  100 |
Attached to vm-7 on /dev/vda                              |

| de0551a6-e27e-4dd9-9a5b-ac2569c0dc76 |               | in-use |  100 |
Attached to vm-4 on /dev/vda                              |

| b080eb16-c17e-40bd-b345-40933d6d1977 |               | in-use |  100 |
Attached to vm-3 on /dev/vda                              |

| 8b514c8f-f190-4617-be12-be21f15cbd2e |               | in-use |  100 |
Attached to vm-5 on /dev/vda                              |

| 0e0b0a37-060f-4bb0-b78b-288830d627e5 |               | in-use |  100 |
Attached to vm-6 on /dev/vda                              |

| 86fba86b-9fdd-4d4c-8d41-f56f03152206 |               | in-use |  100 |
Attached to vm-2 on /dev/vda                              |

| 69c1de5d-f4ca-4fe8-a617-bd22863610cb |               | in-use |  100 |
Attached to vm-1 on /dev/vda                              |

| b239c3da-3276-4497-ad4c-1e900e907426 |               | in-use |  100 |
Attached to VM-04 on /dev/vda                                |

| 28088321-f87a-4392-bd6c-bcd0174184ea |               | in-use |  100 |
Attached to VM-03 on /dev/vda                                |

| c693b9ad-6d47-4a2c-93e4-36baaf25f062 | shared-volume | in-use | 1000 |
Attached to VM-03 on /dev/vdb Attached to VM-04 on /dev/vdb  |


As you can see the original multi attach volume "shared-volume" is attached
to VM-03 but all the other 1TB volumes are not shared but directly attach
only per one sevrer/vm.
Seems we have to attach the shared volume separately into each VM.

I've never had the pleasure to play around with this, but creating a new VM
> from a snapshot could mean a new volume too. I'm not sure how snapshot will
> work with multi volume VMs.
> On Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 11:20 AM open infra <openinfradn at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am planning to spin hundreds of servers with a shared storage.
>> I have created one instance and attached a 1 TB volume (multiattach) and
>> created a snapshot of the instance.
>> But when I spin another server using the snapshot, I noticed that instead
>> of expected shared volume, individual 1 TB size additional (dedicated)
>> volume has been attached to each VM.
>> Is there a mechanism where I can create multiple instances along with a
>> shared volume attached to the instance instead of attaching later?
>> Regards,
>> Danishka
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