[requirements][release][ironic] Exception for ironic deliverables - Xena

Iury Gregory iurygregory at gmail.com
Tue Sep 21 15:21:44 UTC 2021

Hello everyone,

The ironic CI last week was in a very bad shape and we couldn't merge some
patches that we wanted to have in the Xena release, we knew last week was
the RC1 and we should have proposed the release for our derivables.
Today we were able to merge a workaround to get our CI green again, we will
probably have all the required patches merged by EOD or tomorrow morning.
I would like to ask for an exception so we can release our deliverables


*Att[]'sIury Gregory Melo Ferreira *
*MSc in Computer Science at UFCG*
*Part of the ironic-core and puppet-manager-core team in OpenStack*
*Software Engineer at Red Hat Czech*
*Social*: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iurygregory
*E-mail:  iurygregory at gmail.com <iurygregory at gmail.com>*
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