[all][tc] OpenStack next release name is final- "OpenStack Yoga"

Sean Mooney smooney at redhat.com
Thu Jul 8 10:08:19 UTC 2021

On Thu, 2021-07-08 at 00:30 +0000, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
> On 2021-07-08 00:42:07 +0100 (+0100), Sean Mooney wrote:
> [...]
> > were all 4 of the the proceeding items in the vode eliminated by
> > trademark checks?
> [...]
> I don't know how much transparency we get from the trademark lawyers
> on their recommendations, but remember the risk is not binary. Every
> option carries at least some amount of risk, and no option is
> completely guaranteed to get us sued either. The folks evaluating
> these look at a number of factors to come up with a determination of
> which choices are reasonably safe, but trying to argue for a
> particular one ultimately means asking how much risk we're
> comfortable taking on for that name, rather than which name fits our
> comfort level.

well it was not so much arguaing for any partical one i was just expecting a few short words
for each that was eliminated. X was eliminated becasue it might conflict with Y.

also again in termes of risk i would have assumed there was so metric by whic they were operating
and they would continue donw that list until that metric was satisfied but not evaulate any options
lower on the ranking unless the previous ones failed to meet the "safe" treshold.

so i just ecpecting too see some kind of indication of what disqulifed the items that had more votes.

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