[infra][release] delete old EOL'd stable branches
Előd Illés
elod.illes at est.tech
Wed Jan 27 11:06:41 UTC 2021
When Extended Maintenance process was created, there was no clear
decision whether EOL (and branch deletion) is needed afterwards or not.
But one thing we saw is that if a branch was EOL'd and still open, then
patches arrived, and even some got approved which caused errors +
confusions. Also, if the branch is open and periodic jobs are not
deleted, then those are still running day by day. In this case only the
branch deletion is the solution (as clearly those branches cannot accept
job fixing patches).
Though, you are right that if we don't even tag a branch with
'$series-eol', then the above issue does not come. So theoretically we
could forget about the 'eol' process, it would not cause any issue in my
understanding. The periodic jobs needs to be deleted from .zuul.yaml of
course, and maybe some other cleanup, otherwise it is possible. That's
true. I can accept this, and this was my concept, too, in the beginning.
On 2021. 01. 27. 11:20, Herve Beraud wrote:
> Le mer. 27 janv. 2021 à 10:55, Stephen Finucane <stephenfin at redhat.com
> <mailto:stephenfin at redhat.com>> a écrit :
> On Tue, 2021-01-26 at 17:52 +0100, Előd Illés wrote:
> Hi Infra Team!
> In October there was a discussion at Release Team meeting [1]
> about what
> can we do with the old, already EOL'd but not yet deleted branches
> (this
> is possible since with the Extended Maintenance process the
> general/"mass" EOL'ing was stopped and tagging a project branch
> EOL does
> not delete the branch anymore).
> Not an answer but rather a question for my own understanding: what
> is the
> advantage of deleting branches? I understand that these things
> would no longer
> maintained and the gates will slowly break,
> AFAIK this is mostly to avoid issues with gates/zuul.
> but they're still relatively useful
> as a reference to explore project history and it's not like
> branches are
> expensive in git.
> Tags can be used to dig in the related history.
> Stephen
> Related to this, I would like to ask two things:
> 1. I've used the list_eol_stale_branches.sh [2] script to get the
> list
> of such not-yet-deleted branches for Ocata [3]. They are all
> tagged with
> 'ocata-eol', but stable/ocata branch still exists for them. Could you
> please delete these? [3]
> 2. On the Release Team meeting [1] we were hinted that with the newer
> version of gerrit (that was installed at the end of November) some
> automation is possible through gerrit API in the future. Can I get
> some
> help about where should I start with the automation? Which repository
> should I look, where can the deletion being triggered ("similarly
> like
> branch creation")?
> Thanks in advance,
> Előd
> [1]
> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/releaseteam/2020/releaseteam.2020-10-22-16.00.log.html#l-40
> [2]
> https://opendev.org/openstack/releases/src/commit/eb381492da3f7c826c35b9f147fd9a1ed55ae797/tools/list_eol_stale_branches.sh
> [3] http://paste.openstack.org/show/801992/
> --
> Hervé Beraud
> Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat
> irc: hberaud
> https://github.com/4383/
> https://twitter.com/4383hberaud
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> =ECSj
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