[masakari] Masakari Team Meeting - the schedule

Radosław Piliszek radoslaw.piliszek at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 09:56:25 UTC 2021

Hello, Folks!

I have realised the Masakari Team Meeting is to run on even weeks [1].
However, anyone who created the meeting record in their calendar
(including me) has likely gotten the meeting schedule in odd weeks
this year (because last year finished with an odd week and obviously
numbering also starts on odd: the 1).
So I have run the first meeting this year the previous week but
someone came for the meeting this week. :-)

According to the "new wrong" schedule, the next meeting would be on
Jan 19, but according to the "proper" one it would be on Jan 26.
I am available both weeks the same so can run either term (or both as
well, why not).

The question is whether we don't want to simply move to the weekly
meeting schedule.
We usually don't have much to discuss but it might be less confusing
and a better way to form a habit if we met every week.
Please let me know your thoughts.

[1] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/#Masakari_Team_Meeting


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