[stein][neutron][bridge config][kolla]ovs-vsctl shows issue with bridge config

roshan anvekar roshananvekar at gmail.com
Wed Feb 17 10:37:31 UTC 2021

Hello Folks,

Any suggestions on this??

Thank you

On Tue, Feb 16, 2021, 12:28 PM roshan anvekar <roshananvekar at gmail.com>

> Hello,
> I have tried multiple options of setting up the bridge interface for vlan
> provider network setup in stein. None is allowing the gm to get IP. Getting
> the same DHCP issue all the time.
> I tried with:
> 1. Setting provider network interface as as sub interface on a bond.
> Connecting bridge with it.
> 2. Setting bridge directly over bond.
> 3. Manual setup of bridge interface.
> 4. Allowing Openstack to setup bridge on the bond.
> None of this is working. All are giving the same DHCP issue.
> Also I m using a sub-interface on the same bond for TLS interface. Not
> sure if that's causing a issue.
> Error message in openvswitch container while running ovs-vsctl show
> command:
> *error: "could not add network device br-ex to ofproto (File exists)"*
> Any pointers for this issue??
> Regards,
> Roshan
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