[telemetry] wallaby cycle planning session
Matthias Runge
mrunge at matthias-runge.de
Mon Nov 23 08:07:51 UTC 2020
On 21/11/2020 15:26, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
> On 2020-11-21 02:38:54 +0100 (+0100), Thomas Goirand wrote:
> [...]
>> Gosh, reading that you'd be using bluejeans, then definitively, I will
>> not be able to join the call... :/
> If it helps, I've been able to join Bluejeans calls with just
> Firefox (the version in debian/unstable at least), no proprietary
> browser extension or separate client needed. It may not be ideal,
> but it's worked for me in the past anyway.
Thanks again for raising this. Tbh, I was expecting to hear exactly that
concern from you, but I couldn't find a "better" solution for now.
While I know bluejeans itself is not open source, it's a hosted
solution. But it doesn't require you to install any additional software
or an "app". It worked with old firefox versions and it does with newer
as well. You can also dial in with local numbers, if you don't want or
can not use a computer.
A real alternative may be big blue button, or senfcall.de; I haven't
tested that in world-wide communications so far; my personal experience
with jitsi calls from the same area was that it scaled up to a few
Currently, I don't know how many people will join the call.
On a side note, is anyone aware of a service like "doodle", but without
privacy issues? (I was expecting protest about using doodle as well).
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