[ironic] The Sanity Preservation Un-Conference, or SPUC - An Ironic gathering!

Tim Bell tim.bell at cern.ch
Mon Mar 23 18:29:29 UTC 2020

Can anyone join ?

Time to get out the Buffy T-Shirt

https://www.lookhuman.com/design/26889-there-s-nothing-we-can-t-face-except-for-bunnies/6010-heathered_gray_nl-md <https://www.lookhuman.com/design/26889-there-s-nothing-we-can-t-face-except-for-bunnies/6010-heathered_gray_nl-md>


> On 23 Mar 2020, at 18:06, Julia Kreger <juliaashleykreger at gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings Humans, Vulcans, AIs, and any other form of life!
> Today in the Ironic team meeting, we decided that we needed to have an
> un-conference!
> In the theme of an un-conference, I think we will start with two
> simple questions:
> * How is everyone?
> * What ironic (or non-ironic) things shall we discuss?
> From there, we will identify topics of discussion, and possibly jump
> into separate video calls for ~15 minutes each, depending on the
> number of topics and general insanity.
> During the last ?15? minutes or so, we shall reconvene into the same
> video call to enjoy a little time sipping coffee Coffee, Tea or other
> delicious beverages while we determine who is wearing the silliest
> hat! So if you have a steampunk hat with gears or even some kind of
> hat you would wear to a fancy horse race, go right ahead! Only have a
> rose from your growing quarantine garden! You can wear that too!
> So what do you need to do!
> 1) Fill out the doodle[0] so we can actually schedule a time that
> works for a group of people!
> 2) Brainstorm some ideas of things you might want to talk
> about/present or LEARN!
> 3) Dust off your silly hats!
> NB: I know the windows on this doodle overlap with Baremetal SIG
> doodle that I sent out a little while ago. We will figure it out.
> -Julia
> [0]: https://doodle.com/poll/krtn9p4z7xx9pa29

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