[all][tc] Moving PTL role to "Maintainers"

Graham Hayes gr at ham.ie
Thu Mar 5 18:53:01 UTC 2020

On 05/03/2020 18:29, Kendall Nelson wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 3:07 AM Graham Hayes <gr at ham.ie 
> <mailto:gr at ham.ie>> wrote:
>     On 04/03/2020 22:43, Zane Bitter wrote:
>      > On 4/03/20 3:08 pm, Ben Nemec wrote:
>      >>
>      >>
>      >> On 3/4/20 12:57 PM, Zane Bitter wrote:
>      >>> One cannot help wondering if we might get more Nova cores
>     willing to
>      >>> sign up for a 1-week commitment to be the "PTL" than we're getting
>      >>> for a 6-months-and-maybe-indefinitely commitment.
>      >>
>      >> That's a really interesting idea. I'm not sure I'd want to go as
>     short
>      >> as one week for PTL, but shortening the term might make it
>     easier for
>      >> people to commit.
>      >
>      > The key would be to make it short enough that you can be 100%
>     confident
>      > the next person will take over and not leave you holding the bag
>      > forever. (Hi Rico!)
>     And also that the person you hand it off too won't have to hand it back.
>     (Hi Tim!)
>      > I've no idea where the magic number would fall, and it's probably
>      > different for every team. I'm reasonably confident it's somewhere
>      > between 1 week and 6 months though.
>     Yeah - I am not sure the TC should mandate a number - some teams
>     might be OK with the 6 months, while others will need to do 1 or 2 weeks
> I would like to think elections would NOT get held every 1-2 weeks or 
> whatever the chosen PTL term is for a project? Its just a like...signup 
> sheet sort of thing? What if more than one person wants to sign up for 
> the same week( I can't think of why this would happen, just thinking 
> about all the details)?

I will admit to not thinking the whole way through to elections ...
Yes - ideally, it would not be an election every 2 weeks - that would
be an insane overhead.

How to resolve conflicts in this is more problematic alright ....

> -Kendall (diablo_rojo)

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