[oslo][nova][glance][cinder] move cursive library to oslo?

Brian Rosmaita rosmaita.fossdev at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 17:12:41 UTC 2020

On 12/16/20 11:36 AM, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
> On 2020-12-16 08:30:53 -0500 (-0500), Brian Rosmaita wrote:
>> On 12/15/20 11:56 AM, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
>>> On 2020-12-14 23:53:39 -0500 (-0500), Brian Rosmaita wrote:
>>> [...]
>>>> The current cursive-core team entirely consists of members of the Johns
>>>> Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, which ended its involvement
>>>> with OpenStack in July 2018
>>> [...]
>>>> I'd like to propose that the cursive library be moved back to the
>>>> 'openstack' namespace and be put under Oslo governance with the consuming
>>>> teams sharing the maintenance of the library.
>>> [...]
>>> Purely from a logistics perspective, it would be good to get the
>>> permission of at least one of the current core reviewers, preferably
>>> by having them include oslo-core into their core group. Right now
>>> it's an independently developed project within the OpenDev
>>> Collaboratory, and OpenStack lacks the authority to just "take over"
>>> a non-OpenStack project without first making sure that's okay with
>>> the prior authors.
>> I'll reach out to the current cores (they are still at JHUAPL), but the
>> library was in fact developed as an openstack project and was moved from the
>> 'openstack' namespace into the 'x' space by this patch:
>> https://opendev.org/x/cursive/commit/f8e9d5870fa7049df67c59204988767291f08ec0
> It was developed similarly to official OpenStack projects and (along
> with hundreds of other non-OpenStack projects) was hosted within the
> "openstack/" Git namespace in our Gerrit because we moved all
> projects into that namespace around the same time we ceased keeping
> a separate "stackforge/" namespace, but cursive was never officially
> under OpenStack governance.
> The change you mention is the result of the OpenStack TC choosing to
> evict non-OpenStack projects from that namespace during the big
> OpenDev reorganization, and not an indication that it was actually
> governed by OpenStack. If it were previously a deliverable of some
> official team, it would be listed in the reference/legacy.yaml file
> in the governance repository, but I've also double-checked the
> entire Git history for openstack/governance and see no evidence that
> it was ever under governance and somehow missed having its removal
> recorded there.

OK, thanks for the explanation and for doing some archaeological 
research.  In the meantime, I (finally) noticed that barbican-core is an 
included group in cursive-core, so the situation is not as dire as I 
thought in terms of having someone around who can approve patches.

I think cursive should be pulled into openstack governance, however. 
I'll restart the thread focused on that issue and include [barbican] in 
the subject line.

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