Announcing the general availability of Debian packages for Ussuri

Thomas Goirand zigo at
Mon Apr 27 20:54:50 UTC 2020


Even after 9 years packaging OpenStack, I'm still excited to announce
the availability of the last release of OpenStack in Debian.

Indeed, today, I was able to launch my first VM using Ussuri, running on
top of Debian Buster. Even if we haven't run Tempest on this release
yet, it's already usable, and I wanted everyone to know about it.

Packages are available either from Debian Experimental (they will be
uploaded to Unstable the day of the official release, then hopefully
migrate automatically to Debian Testing) or from the
backports to Buster, from both of these repos:

deb buster-ussuri-backports main
deb-src buster-ussuri-backports main

buster-ussuri-backports-nochange main
buster-ussuri-backports-nochange main

*OR* from this server (which contains all release of OpenStack since the
Kilo release):

deb buster-ussuri-backports main
deb-src buster-ussuri-backports main

deb buster-ussuri-backports-nochange main
deb-src buster-ussuri-backports-nochange main

Please make sure to configure your servers to use *both*
buster-ussuri-backports and buster-ussuri-backports-nochange suites. The
first one contains packages maintained by the Debian OpenStack team,
while the later are backports of packages maintained by other people in
Debian (like those maintained in the Debian Python Module Team, but not

Still missing from this release...

- vitrage-dashboard:
There's some new XStatic packages to make, work is ongoing.

- some neutron plugins:
Many aren't released yet...

- heat:
It just got released a few hours ago, and I didn't have time yet to
figure out what's wrong with these 3 unit tests:

Hopefully, this will be addressed tomorrow.

Note that OCI, the Debian cluster installer for OpenStack, already
supports that version (that's how I launched my first instance), and is
running the latest version of all puppet modules of puppet-openstack:

Some fun statistics: 187 packages were updated in the OpenStack team's
Git repository to make this release (plus some updates of packages not
within the team).

Note that the last piece of software (cinder) was converted to uwsgi, so
this release comes with absolutely all API servers running under uwsgi.

Please try these packages and report bugs to the Debian BTS as usual, so
we can fix as many bugs as possible before the final release.

Some packages are still waiting for the FTP master's approval before
they can reach Debian proper. Noticeably, many Tempest plugins (as I
decided to package them all in Debian). 6 of these are pending, and
probably more will be packaged. Stay tuned.


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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