[tc] [ironic] Promoting ironic to a top-level opendev project?

Jeremy Stanley fungi at yuggoth.org
Wed Apr 15 23:47:09 UTC 2020

On 2020-04-15 15:46:04 -0700 (-0700), Julia Kreger wrote:
> People care because they are invested in the community as a whole,
> and I think the thought of such a major change does bring fear. I
> think that is totally natural and honestly I feel the same way.
> Also at the same time, I think we risk letting the fear control
> us. Thus prohibits us and prevents us from what may be the right
> direction. In part, that is also why we need to talk through these
> things. :)

In my case, I just want to make sure folks are approaching these
sorts of decisions by first identifying problems and only *then*
moving to discussing solutions. Otherwise there's a risk that a lot
of effort and resources are wasted on work which doesn't solve
whatever needs solving. Hear each of the arguments (for and against)
with a critical ear, and ask whether they're good solutions for the
problems you've identified.

Above all, try to avoid the trap of using problems to justify a
solution which has already been chosen for other reasons. When the
discussion starts out as a proposal for some particular solution,
that's how it tends to come across.
Jeremy Stanley
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