Hey all! NodeJS version 4 isn't a supported version anymore - and what's more there are no packages for it for bionic. To that end, all of the UI projects that are currently requesting node_version: 4 in their npm jobs [0] or who are using any of the templates that start with nodejs4- [1] are about to have a large amount of sad. I would personally recommend updating to node_version: 10 - since that's the most recent LTS and would give us until 2021-04-01 [2] before we need to deal with things again. BUT - I don't have a real opinion on course of action - I figure that's likely something to be discussed amongst the various UI projects. The only thing I have an opinion on is that the outcome probably shouldn't be "shrug, nodejs4 is fine". :) Monty [0] http://codesearch.openstack.org/?q=node_version%3A%204&i=nope&files=&repos= [1] http://codesearch.openstack.org/?q=nodejs4&i=nope&files=&repos= [2] https://nodejs.org/en/about/releases/