[ptl][kolla][election] Mark Goddard PTL candidacy

Mark Goddard mark at stackhpc.com
Fri Mar 8 10:44:04 UTC 2019


I'd like to nominate myself to serve as the Kolla PTL for the Train cycle.

I've been a user and developer of Kolla and Kolla Ansible since 2016 -
while at Cray, but my upstream contribution really started in earnest when
I joined StackHPC two years ago. I became core in May last year. I am
passionate about this particularly operator-driven and community-led project,
and started the Kayobe [1] project that allows deployment of an
OpenStack control plane to bare metal using Kolla, Kolla Ansible and

The flip side of being an operator-driven project is that contributors come
and go, and even regular contributors don't always have as much time as
they might like. That said, the project is very much alive in terms of code
and review contributions. I'd like to help those on the periphery of the
project to get more involved. Kolla is also a very global project, with
many contributors in
Asia particularly. This is really healthy, and I'd like to try out a
more APAC-friendly
IRC meeting time and a virtual PTG to keep everyone involved.

I'm lucky enough to also be an Ironic core (I don't intend for that to
change if elected Kolla PTL), and it's been interesting to compare how
these two quite different projects operate. The Ironic team does a great
job of planning and tracking their work, making use of a whiteboard [2].
I'd like to try adopting a lightweight version of some of these practices
in Kolla.

As the project matures, stability becomes increasingly important. This
is particularly
true for the images, which are used by multiple projects. We've been
working on improving our CI testing this cycle, but still have a way to go.
I want to make sure that work continues, to ensure we can continue to
make changes
with confidence, whatever the hype cycle throws at us.

Thanks for reading,
Mark Goddard (mgoddard)

[1] https://kayobe.readthedocs.io
[2] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/IronicWhiteBoard
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