[ptl][placement][election] Chris Dent's Candidacy for Placement PTL

Chris Dent cdent+os at anticdent.org
Wed Mar 6 12:19:22 UTC 2019

Hi, I'm announcing my candidacy [1] for Placement PTL for Train.

I've been working on the Placement service from the start. Helping
it become a straightforward HTTP API for managing resources and
their inventories, qualities, and use. I believe the primary focus
of the project should be to fulfill the promise of the service — to
make any variety of workload placement more reasonable-to-manage and
correct-to-use — while keeping the straightforwardness.

Just as important is making sure the project, being newly
independent, settles in well. We will need time, attention and
patience to find our way.

What we do as a group should be decided by the group. The role of
the PTL should be to help the group reach decisions smoothly and
make sure the information needed to make decisions is shared

To help understand how I think about Placement, here are some ideas
on areas we may wish to focus (if we agree):

* Get the house in order. Get bug and feature tracking systems in
   place and properly documented. Prepare the Forum and PTG.

* Help other projects use Placement. Adding features to Placement is
   often easier than taking advantage of those new features. A lot of
   features exist that are not yet used to their full potential.

* Attend to maintenance. Bug fixing, documentation, performance,
   refactoring, gate management, and keeping clients up to date need
   to have equal or greater attention than feature development.

* Do what matters. Only add features that have clear customers and
   use cases, and have committed owners responsible for long-term

* Experiment. Contrary to the above, some of our time should be
   spent discovering what may matter in the future and sharing those
   discoveries: "Placement can help with that." Edge and multi-cloud
   related use cases have plenty of potential.

* Document. Fill in the gaps in documentation for users and
   contributors.  There's a lot of power in Placement and using it
   most effectively is not as well-documented as it could be.

* Be welcoming, fun, nice, and encouraging to everyone.

I hope my history with the project is solid evidence for my
commitment to its success. I'm extremely proud of the work we've
done and optimistic about the positive impact we will have in the


[1] https://review.openstack.org/641339

Chris Dent                       ٩◔̯◔۶           https://anticdent.org/
freenode: cdent                                         tw: @anticdent

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