[dev][keystone] M-1 check-in and retrospective meeting

Colleen Murphy colleen at gazlene.net
Thu Jun 6 18:57:19 UTC 2019

I've drafted an agenda[1] for the check-in/retrospective/review/planning meeting scheduled for next week (June 11, 1500 UTC:

We'll be using jitsi.org[2] (hosted OSS video conferencing tool) for the call (I've only ever used it for one-on-one calls so we'll have to see how it performs with several people on the call).

We'll keep the retrospective to no more than one hour (since we just had a retrospective that shouldn't be too hard). Still, it's an ambitious agenda for a two-hour meeting. You can help us get through it quickly by:

* pre-filling out your thoughts on the retrospective etherpad[3]
* reviewing the Train roadmap[4] and reflecting on the stories and tasks listed there, including updating task statuses or adding tasks where needed

The agenda is a draft, so feel free to edit it or let me know if you have thoughts or questions on it.


[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/keystone-train-M-1-review-planning-meeting
[2] https://meet.jit.si/keystone-train-m-1
[3] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/keystone-train-m-1-retrospective
[4] https://trello.com/b/ClKW9C8x/keystone-train-roadmap

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