[placement][ptg] Shanghai attendance

Eric Fried openstack at fried.cc
Thu Jul 11 17:58:15 UTC 2019


> asked for feedback from the rest of the placement team on whether we
> need to do any placement work there, given the value we got out of
> the virtual pre-PTG in April.
> Let me ask again: Do we need a presence at the PTG in Shanghai?

The email-based virtual pre-PTG was extremely productive. We should
definitely do it again.

However, I feel like that last hour on Saturday saw more design progress
than weeks worth of emails or spec reviews could have accomplished. To
me, this is the value of the in-person meetups. It sucks that we can't
involve everybody in the discussions - but we can rapidly crystallize an
idea enough to produce a coherent spec that *can* then involve everybody.

Having said that, I'm really not coming up with any major design topics
that would benefit from such a meetup this time around. I feel like what
we've accomplished in Train sets us up for a cycle or two of refinement
(perf/docs/refactor/tech-debt) rather than feature work. I suppose we'll
see what shakes out on the

> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/placement-shanghai-ptg

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