[placement] zuul job dependencies for greater good?

Chris Dent cdent+os at anticdent.org
Tue Feb 26 10:54:49 UTC 2019

On Mon, 25 Feb 2019, Eric Fried wrote:

>>> -1 to serializing jobs with stop-on-first-failure. Human time (having to
>>> iterate fixes one failed job at a time) is more valuable than computer
>>> time. That's why we make computers.
> Apologies, I had nova in my head when I said this. For the placement
> repo specifically (at least as it stands today), running full tox
> locally is very fast, so you really have no excuse for pushing broken
> py/func. I would tentatively support stop-on-first-failure in placement
> only; but we should be on the lookout for a time when this tips the
> balance. (I hope that never happens, and I'm guessing Chris would agree
> with that.)

I'm still not certain that we're talking about exactly the same thing.
My proposal was not stop-on-first-failure. It is:

1. Run all the short duration zuul jobs, in the exact same way they
    run now: run each individual test, gather all individual
    failures, any individual test failure annotates the entire job
    as failed, but all tests are run, all failures are reported.
    If there is a failure here, zuul quits, votes -1.

2. If (only if) all those short jobs run, automatically run the long
    duration zuul jobs. If there is a faiulre here, zuul is done,
    votes -1.

3. If we reach here, zuul is still done, votes +1.

This is what
provides. In our case we would make the grenade and tempest jobs
depend on the success of (most of) the others.

(I agree that if the unit and functional tests in placement ever get
too slow to be no big deal to run locally, we've made an error that
needs to be fixed. Similarly if placement (in isolation) gets too
complex to test (and experiment with) in an easy and local fashion,
we've also made an error. Plenty of projects need to be more complex
than placement and require different modes for experimentation and
testing. At least for now, placement does not.)

Chris Dent                       ٩◔̯◔۶           https://anticdent.org/
freenode: cdent                                         tw: @anticdent

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