[horizon] Horizon slowing down proportionally to the amount of instances (was: Horizon extremely slow with 400 instances)

Feilong Wang feilong at catalyst.net.nz
Sun Feb 10 22:10:30 UTC 2019

Hi JP,

We run into same problem before (and now I think). The root cause is
because when Horizon loading the instances page, for each instance row,
it has to decide if show an action, unfortunately, for each instance,
there are more than 20+ actions to check, and more worse, some actions
may involve an API call. And whenever you have 20+ instances (the
default page size is 20), you will run into this issue. I have done some
upstream before to mitigate this, but it definitely needs ajax to load
those actions after loading the page.

On 6/02/19 11:00 PM, Jean-Philippe Evrard wrote:
> On Wed, 2019-01-30 at 21:10 -0500, Satish Patel wrote:
>> folks,
>> we have mid size openstack cloud running 400 instances, and day by
>> day
>> its getting slower, i can understand it render every single machine
>> during loading instance page but it seems it's design issue, why not
>> it load page from MySQL instead of running bunch of API calls behind
>> then page?
>> is this just me or someone else also having this issue? i am
>> surprised
>> why there is no good and robust Web GUI for very popular openstack?
>> I am curious how people running openstack in large environment using
>> Horizon.
>> I have tired all kind of setting and tuning like memcache etc..
>> ~S
> Hello,
> I took the liberty to change the mailing list and topic name:
> FYI, the openstack-discuss ML will help you reach more people
> (developers/operators). When you prefix your mail with [horizon], it
> will even pass filters for some people:)
> Anyway... I would say horizon performance depends on many aspects of
> your deployment, including keystone and caching, it's hard to know
> what's going on with your environment with so little data.
> I hope you're figure it out :)
> Regards,
> JP
Cheers & Best regards,
Feilong Wang (王飞龙)
Senior Cloud Software Engineer
Tel: +64-48032246
Email: flwang at catalyst.net.nz
Catalyst IT Limited
Level 6, Catalyst House, 150 Willis Street, Wellington

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