# Keystone Team Update - Week of 28 January 2019 ## News ### JWS Key Rotation Since JSON Web Tokens are asymmetrically signed and not encrypted, we discussed whether we needed to implement the full rotation procedure that we have for fernet tokens and came to the conclusion that probably not[1][2]. [1] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-keystone/%23openstack-keystone.2019-01-30.log.html#t2019-01-30T14:29:39 [2] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-keystone/%23openstack-keystone.2019-01-30.log.html#t2019-01-30T22:40:50 ### Alembic Migration Vishakha reminded us that most projects are moving away from sqlalchemy-migrate to Alembic but that we hadn't done so yet[3]. In fact we already have a spec published for it[4] but we need someone to do the work. Now might be a good time to revive our rolling upgrade testing and revisit how we manage upgrades and migrations. [3] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/keystone/2019/keystone.2019-01-29-16.00.log.html#l-65 [4] http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/keystone-specs/specs/keystone/backlog/alembic.html ## Recently Merged Changes Search query: https://bit.ly/2pquOwT We merged 17 changes this week. Among these were changes introducing the JWS token functionality. ## Changes that need Attention Search query: https://bit.ly/2RLApdA There are 75 changes that are passing CI, not in merge conflict, have no negative reviews and aren't proposed by bots. ## Bugs This week we opened 2 new bugs and closed 6. Bugs opened (2) Bug #1813926 (keystone:Undecided) opened by Shrey bhatnagar https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1813926 Bug #1813739 (keystonemiddleware:Undecided) opened by Yang Youseok https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystonemiddleware/+bug/1813739 Bugs closed (2) Bug #1805817 (keystone:Undecided) https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1805817 Bug #1813926 (keystone:Undecided) https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1813926 Bugs fixed (4) Bug #1813085 (keystone:High) fixed by Lance Bragstad https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1813085 Bug #1798184 (keystone:Medium) fixed by Corey Bryant https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1798184 Bug #1804520 (keystone:Medium) fixed by Lance Bragstad https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1804520 Bug #1798184 (ldappool:Undecided) fixed by no one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ldappool/+bug/1798184 ## Milestone Outlook https://releases.openstack.org/stein/schedule.html This week is the feature proposal freeze, so code implementing specs should be available for review by now. ## Shout-outs Congratulations and thank you to our Outreachy intern Erus for getting CentOS supported in the keystone devstack plugin! Great work! ## Help with this newsletter Help contribute to this newsletter by editing the etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/keystone-team-newsletter