DHCP timeout when creating instances for specific tenants

Laurent Dumont laurentfdumont at gmail.com
Thu Dec 5 00:09:57 UTC 2019

Maybe the following could provide a bit more data :

   - Launch a test instance in the tenant project experiencing the issue.
   - tcpdump directly on the instance TAP interface - confirm if you are
   - Would also allow you to see the Cloudinit traffic.

On Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 7:06 PM Grant Morley <grant at civo.com> wrote:

> Hi Cory,
> Thanks for the response. I'll take a look at the metadata service from the
> instance and from OpenStack itself tomorrow now. It's midnight here in the
> UK and I need to get some rest. Thanks for the tip, hopefully I'll find
> something useful to go on from there.
> Grant,
> On 04/12/2019 23:49, Cory Hawkless wrote:
> Are they failing to contact the metadata service and hanging during the
> boot process while they try and receive metadata?
> From the VM can you hit – That’s the default IP of
> the metadata server, it should respond with a basic page showing some date
> based subdirectories
> If it doesn’t respond you can start following the metadata service path
> instead of DHCP
> Given that the machines come up with an IP eventually leads me to think
> the DHCP service is actually working ok.
> *From:* Grant Morley [mailto:grant at civo.com <grant at civo.com>]
> *Sent:* Thursday, 5 December 2019 10:10 AM
> *To:* Eric K. Miller <emiller at genesishosting.com>
> <emiller at genesishosting.com>; openstack-operators at lists.openstack.org
> *Cc:* Ian Banks <ian at civo.com> <ian at civo.com>
> *Subject:* Re: DHCP timeout when creating instances for specific tenants
> Hi Eric,
> Thanks for getting back to me. I am fairly sure it is a DHCP error. The
> instances are getting an IP when they eventually boot, it is just taking a
> long time for them to bring up networking. The strange thing is, it only
> seems to be new tenants. All existing tenants are absolutely fine.
> I can check DNS as well just to be on the safe side, however I wasn't
> seeing any errors in the Nova or Neutron logs when the instance(s) were
> being created.
> Regards,
> On 04/12/2019 22:47, Eric K. Miller wrote:
> Hi Grant,
> Are you sure this is a DHCP timeout and not a DNS resolution issue?  I ask
> because we have seen a strange DNS issue occur that can cause something
> similar.
> Are the VMs being assigned an IP after they finally boot?
> Eric K. Miller
> Genesis Hosting Solutions, LLC
> Try our Genesis Public Cloud - powered by OpenStack!eut
> https://genesishosting.com/
> *From:* Grant Morley [mailto:grant at civo.com <grant at civo.com>]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, December 04, 2019 11:00 AM
> *To:* openstack-operators at lists.openstack.org
> *Cc:* Ian Banks
> *Subject:* DHCP timeout when creating instances for specific tenants
> Hi all,
> I wonder if anyone can help shed any light on an odd issue we are seeing
> with only a couple of specific tenants. Basically if they launch an
> instance they are taking about 5 minutes to launch rather than our usual 30
> second or so launch.
> We are seeing the following on the instance logs:
> https://pastebin.com/hDstsd8G
> Weirdly it only seems to be happening for 1 or 2 new tenants. I have
> tested this on our personal account and a few other customers have tested
> and their instances launch really quickly as expected.
> Is there anything specific during the tenant creation that can cause this
> issue? Or are there any logs in nova / neutron I should be looking out for
> that might shed some light?
> I haven't seen anything that is obvious. Any help would be much
> appreciated as we are a little stumped at the moment.
> Many thanks,
> --
> Grant Morley
> Cloud Lead, Civo Ltd
> www.civo.com | Signup for an account! <https://www.civo.com/signup>
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