[requirements][os-ken][neutron] update of tinyrpc from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4 breaks neutron-grenade

Matthew Thode mthode at mthode.org
Mon Dec 2 15:16:49 UTC 2019

The only explicit depenency I can find is for os-ken

| Repository                                       | Filename                                                 | Line | Text                                               |
| openstack/os-ken                                 | requirements.txt                                         |   13 | tinyrpc>=0.6  # RPC library, BGP speaker(net_cntl) |
| openstack/requirements                           | openstack_requirements/tests/files/upper-constraints.txt |  187 | tinyrpc===0.5                                      |
| openstack/upstream-institute-virtual-environment | elements/upstream-training/static/tmp/requirements.txt   |  292 | tinyrpc==1.0.3                                     |

Though it's included in constraints for a bunch of neutron packages though lower-constraints.txt

| Repository                                       | Filename                                                 | Line | Text                                               |
| openstack/dragonflow                             | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  151 | tinyrpc==0.8                                       |
| openstack/networking-bagpipe                     | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  143 | tinyrpc==0.6                                       |
| openstack/networking-baremetal                   | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  139 | tinyrpc==0.8                                       |
| openstack/networking-bgpvpn                      | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  165 | tinyrpc==0.6                                       |
| openstack/networking-generic-switch              | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  134 | tinyrpc==0.6                                       |
| openstack/networking-hyperv                      | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  131 | tinyrpc==0.6                                       |
| openstack/networking-l2gw                        | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  137 | tinyrpc==0.6                                       |
| openstack/networking-odl                         | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  192 | tinyrpc==0.8                                       |
| openstack/networking-ovn                         | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  145 | tinyrpc==0.6                                       |
| openstack/networking-powervm                     | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  138 | tinyrpc==0.6                                       |
| openstack/networking-sfc                         | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  146 | tinyrpc==0.8                                       |
| openstack/neutron                                | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  147 | tinyrpc==0.6                                       |
| openstack/neutron-dynamic-routing                | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  141 | tinyrpc==0.6                                       |
| openstack/neutron-fwaas                          | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  141 | tinyrpc==0.6                                       |
| openstack/neutron-vpnaas                         | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  144 | tinyrpc==0.6                                       |
| openstack/os-ken                                 | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  144 | tinyrpc==0.6                                       |
| openstack/os-ken                                 | requirements.txt                                         |   13 | tinyrpc>=0.6  # RPC library, BGP speaker(net_cntl) |
| openstack/requirements                           | openstack_requirements/tests/files/upper-constraints.txt |  187 | tinyrpc===0.5                                      |
| openstack/requirements                           | upper-constraints.txt                                    |  270 | tinyrpc===1.0.3                                    |
| openstack/tricircle                              | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  149 | tinyrpc==0.6                                       |
| openstack/upstream-institute-virtual-environment | elements/upstream-training/static/tmp/requirements.txt   |  292 | tinyrpc==1.0.3                                     |
| x/flame                                          | upper-constraints.txt                                    |  208 | tinyrpc===0.9.3                                    |
| x/networking-arista                              | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  146 | tinyrpc==0.6                                       |
| x/networking-fujitsu                             | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  142 | tinyrpc==0.8                                       |
| x/networking-omnipath                            | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  144 | tinyrpc==0.6                                       |
| x/networking-opencontrail                        | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  149 | tinyrpc==0.6                                       |
| x/networking-vsphere                             | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  142 | tinyrpc==0.6                                       |
| x/neutron-interconnection                        | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  145 | tinyrpc==0.6                                       |
| x/tap-as-a-service                               | lower-constraints.txt                                    |  139 | tinyrpc==0.8                                       |

https://github.com/mbr/tinyrpc/compare/1.0.3...1.0.4 isn't too big but does seem to have a refactor in it.

If you want to depend on a requirements patch for testing, I've created https://review.opendev.org/692915
for testing the update.


Matthew Thode
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