Ahoy folks. We're running into a massive backlog and it's messing with everyone again. As stop gap, we're clearing the gate and will need to land the patches to switch them back to non-voting and remove the scenarios[0] from the gate in stable branches. We had switched them back to voting ~2 weeks ago because they were still in the gate (but non-voting). I thought we weren't going to run into as many issues in the stable branches but we've been backporting a bit more lately. We are proposing this because in the gate we've had a bunch of scenario failures[1] not related to code but just time outs. Additionally we're making progress on converting the master scenario jobs to standalone versions which may be backportable to stable/rocky. So in the mean time, we're asking that you not approve or recheck anything until the CI has stabilized. We'll send out a note when we're clear. Thanks, -Alex [0] https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:scenarios-nv+(status:open+OR+status:merged) [1] http://zuul.openstack.org/builds?pipeline=gate&result=failure&result=timed_out&result=post_failure&project=openstack%2Ftripleo-common&project=openstack%2Ftripleo-heat-templates&project=openstack%2Fpython-tripleoclient