[openstack-dev] [os-upstream-institute] Sync calls with the mentors for Berlin

Ildiko Vancsa ildiko.vancsa at gmail.com
Sat Oct 6 09:15:13 UTC 2018


We are planning two calls to prepare for the Berlin Summit. One is some time between Oct 15 and 23 and the other is the week of November 5 which is the week before the Summit.

The purpose of the first call is to go through the training material and prepare for the training. We will check the slides and the exercises and check whether we have any missing items or things to correct in the Contributor guide.

The second call will be for checking back on action items and discuss any last minute administrativa.

I created a Doodle poll to find the best times within the two aforementioned periods: https://doodle.com/poll/3ctqzkikn7prnpgg

Please mark __all the slots__ that can work for you, even if it is not the most convenient time of the day as we will only have two of these calls.

If you plan to join the crew for Berlin and you haven’t signed up yet on the wiki please do it here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OpenStack_Upstream_Institute_Occasions

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks and Best Regards,

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