[openstack-dev] Pros and Cons of face-to-face meetings
Jay S Bryant
jungleboyj at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 18:16:18 UTC 2018
On 3/8/2018 12:06 PM, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
> On 2018-03-08 17:49:35 +0000 (+0000), Flint WALRUS wrote:
>> Pretty easy, put the PTG online with a livestream on
>> YouTube/Hangout/whatever platform that will then be saved and could even be
>> watched later on!
>> It’s just a matter of some hardware and a decent internet bandwidth that’s
>> already available to almost every places where a PTG took place.
>> Problem solved.
> [...]
> Have you ever actually tried it? I know this seems simple to "solve"
> with technology, but put 50 people in a room having a heated
> conversation (or sometimes several conversations at once) and then
> try to bridge some people in via phone, video conference, whatever
> and see how it works out in reality.
> The times it's been tried, either the remote participants get
> frustrated because nobody is paying attention to them/speaking into
> microphones/keeping discussion to one thread at a time, or the
> in-person participants get frustrated because they have to start
> acting like they're all on separate telephones and drag down the
> bandwidth of the conversation to the point where it may as well be
> 100% remote/separate participation anyway.
> We've made it work to varying degrees in the past, but it's not so
> simple as you would seem to imply no matter how good the technology.
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Cinder has been doing this for many years and it has worked relatively
well. It requires a good remote speaker and it also requires the people
in the room to be sensitive to the needs of those who are remote. I.E.
planning topics at a time appropriate for the remote attendees, ensuring
everyone speaks up, etc. If everyone, however, works to be inclusive
with remote participants it works well.
We have even managed to make this work between separate mid-cycles
(Cinder and Nova) in the past before we did PTGs.
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