[openstack-dev] [tc] [all] TC Report 39
Chris Dent
cdent+os at anticdent.org
Tue Sep 26 21:39:00 UTC 2017
(If you prefer, there's html: <https://anticdent.org/tc-report-39.html>)
It has been a while since the last one of these that [had any
substance](https://anticdent.org/tc-report-33.html). The run up to the
[PTG](https://www.openstack.org/ptg) and travel to and fro meant
either that not much was happening or I didn't have time to write.
This week I'll attempt to catch up with TC activities (that I'm aware
of) from the PTG and this past week.
# Board Meeting
The Sunday before the PTG there was an all day meeting of the
Foundation Board, the Technical Committee, the User Committee and
members of the Interop and Product working groups. The
was oriented towards updates on the current strategic focus
* Better communicate about OpenStack
* Community Health
* Requirements: Close the feedback loop
* Increase complementarity with adjacent technologies
* Simplify OpenStack
Each group gave an overview of the progress they've made since
[Boston](/openstack-pike-board-meeting-notes.html). [Mark
has a good overview of most of the topics covered.
I was on the hook to discuss what might be missing from the strategic
areas. In the "Community Health" section we often discuss making the
community inviting to new people, especially to under-represented
groups and making sure the community is capable of creating new
leaders. Both of these are very important (especially the first) but
what I felt was missing was attention to the experience of the regular
contributor to OpenStack who has been around for a while. A topic we
might call "developer happiness". There are a lot of dimensions to
that happiness, not all of which OpenStack is great at balancing.
It turns out that this was already a topic within the domain of
Community Health but had been set aside while progress was being made
on other topics. So now I've been drafted to be a member of that
group. I will start writing about it soon.
The PTG was five days long, I intend to write a separate update about
the days in the API and Nova rooms, what follows are notes from the
TC-related sessions that I was able to attend.
As is the norm, there was an
[etherpad](https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/queens-PTG-TC-SWG) for the
whole week, which for at least some things has relatively good notes.
There's too much to report all that happened, so here are some
interesting highlights:
* To encourage community diversity and accept the reality of
less-than-full time contributors it will become necessary to have
more cores, even if they don't know everything there is to know
about a project.
* Before the next TC election (coming soon: nominations start 29
September) a report will be made on the progress made by the TC in
the last 12 months, especially with regard to the goals expressed in
the [vision
We should have been doing this all along, but is perhaps an
especially good idea now that [regular meetings have
* The TC will take greater action to make sure that strategic
priorities (in the sense of "these are some of the things the TC
observes that OpenStack should care about") are effectively
publicised. These are themes that fit neither in the urgency of the
[Top 5
nor in the concreteness of [OpenStack-wide
Goals](https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/index.html). One
idea is to prepare a short list before each PTG to set the tone.
Work remains to flesh this one out.
# The Past Week
The week after the PTG it's hard to get rolling, so there's not a
great deal to report from office hours or otherwise. The busiest day
in `#openstack-tc` was
where the discussion was mostly about Glare's application to [be
official](https://review.openstack.org/#/c/479285/). This has raised a
lot of questions, many of which are in the IRC log or on the review.
As is often the case with contentious project applications, the
questions frequently reflect (as they should) the biases and goals the
reviewers have for OpenStack as a whole. For example I asked "Why
should Glare be an _OpenStack_ project rather than a more global
project (that happens to have support for keystone)?" while others
expressed concern for any overlap (or perception thereof) between
Glance and Glare and still others said the equivalent of "come on,
enough with this, let's just get on with it, there's enough work to go
And with that I must end this for this week, as there's plenty of other
work to do.
Chris Dent (⊙_⊙') https://anticdent.org/
freenode: cdent tw: @anticdent
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